Knock next time

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August's point of view

I had arrived at my cabin...finally. I was ready to tell Tulip the news about my job even if she wouldn't understand me because she's a sheep.

My heart sank when I saw the doors to my cabin was wide open. I got out of my car and tip toed to my cabin entrance. I walked quietly into the living room. No one.

"If anyone is in here, get out! Don't make me hurt you!"I shouted bravely.

Two men came into the room. One of them was holding Tulip. "Tulip", I said in a whisper. Tulip let out a baa noise.

"Don't hurt Tulip. Just let her go. She's still just a baby", I begged them.

The man who was holding Tulip set her down on the floor. Tulip crawled over to me. I picked up Tulip.

"Who are you? What do you want?" I asked, raising my voice slightly.

"We don't want to hurt you. We just want to talk", one of the guys said.

One of them had long blonde hair and a beard. He had on a red cape and shining armor.

The other guy had light brown hair and no beard. He had a red, blue and white uniform with a white star on it.

"I'm Steve Rogers. You might know me as-", Steve was cut off by me.

"Captain America", I finished.

"And this is Thor", Steve says, pointing to the man next to him. I would have waved, but I was carrying Tulip in my arms.

"We came to warn you, August", Captain  America says.

"About what? And how do you know my name? ", I asked.

"We came to warn you about your father", Thor said.

My heart sunk. Was it really true? Did they really know my father?

"This may be hard for you to hear, but it's important that you know. Your father isn't really a good person", Captain  America says.

As soon as I thought that things were going to get better, it got a lot worse. When a superhero tells you that someone isn't a good person, they're being dead serious.

"Your father is Loki", says Thor.

That made it worse

"Loki is after you so we need you and...", Captain America cuts off as he stumbles on remembering Tulip's name.

"Tulip", I said.

"Right. You and Tulip are coming with us", says Captain America.

"No, I'm not going to just leave. I'm 15. I can take care of myself", I said. Captain America and Thor looked at each other, obviously hesitant about leaving me here. After gazing into each other's eyes for a while, Captain  America sighed and looked back at me.

"Fine, but if you change your mind, we'll be in the Avengers tower. The tall building with the large A on it", said Cap. I nodded, showing that I understood.

I set Tulip down on floor. As they began to walk out the door, I called after them. They both turned to look at me.

"Does this mean that you're my uncle, Thor", I asked.

"Of course", Thor replied with a grin. I smiled.

Thor and Steve opened the door. "But, please knock next time", I shouted at them, politely as they left the cabin.

After they left, I fed Tulip and then we both went to bed. It was nice knowing that I had other family members around, but, Tulip is still and always will be my family.

Before I fell asleep, I realized that Thor and Cap didn't tell me anything about my mother. Questions built along with that thought. Why was my father bad? How did he fall in love with my mother? Was I sent away because of my dad?

The Girl With A Sheep( A Loki's daughter Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora