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August's point of view

(The picture above is Tulip if you haven't figured that out)

The next day, I got dressed and went to breakfast with Tulip. Steve and my uncle were there with Clint, Natasha and...Tony. Bruce was in the lab.

"Are you ready for me to cook your sheep", Tony asks with a stupid grin. Tulip lets out a bleating noise. I held Tulip close to me.

"Get a life, Iron Man", Natasha sassed. I mouth the works "Thank you" to Natasha.

I sat down next to Clint and my uncle. I sat Tulip down on the ground so I could eat my breakfast.

"Do you want to tell August how I beat the Old Man at Checkers", Tony bragged. I was confused when he said old man.

"There's an old man here", I asked. Tony pointed to Steve. I looked at Steve in confusion.

"Biologically, I am in my 90s", Steve explained.

"You look great", I complimented.

"Thank you", Steve replied.

I hear Tulip bleating constantly. I turn around and see Tony holding her. "Eat a different animal, you animal", I shouted at Tony. When Tony refused to let go of Tulip, I lost it.

"A sheep bite has rabies so if you don't let her go, I'll tell Tulip to bite you", I threatened in a angry and sternly tone.

Tony set Tulip down on the table. I grabbed Tulip when I saw Tony grab a knife.

"Tony", Steve barked. I sat back down in my chair between Clint and Thor. Tulip stayed in my lap.

"Can I not have a good meal for once", Tony complained.

"Tulip is not a meal. She is the only family August had for 2 years now", Steve argued.

Tulip bleats. I then gasped. "Tulip, I know you're upset, but you need to watch your language", I told Tulip. Everyone looked at me in confusion.

"You understand that thing", Tony asks me.

"Yeah. When you live with a sheep for 2 years, it's easy", I explained.

"How did you guys meet", Natasha asked me.


August's point of view

After I ran away from the Adoption center on a rainy and cold night, I found a cabin. I knew it wasn't much, but it was better than sitting on the streets. I walked towards the steps, but I stopped when I heard a strange noise.  It sounded like a bleating noise, but it was too noisy because of the rain. I wasn't sure if it was a bleating noise. I walked towards where I think the noise is coming from.

Under the steps of the cabin, there was a small baby sheep. The baby sheep was laying down next to a bunch of Tulips. It was a new born that was left to die like me.

I pulled the sheep up, into the open. I kept it warm with my jacket. When we got inside, I gave the baby sheep a bath.

"So...you're an orphan, too, aren't you?" I asked. She didn't answer, but she let out a small bleat which made me laugh. "Maybe we can stick together, but you're going to need a name", I said.

"What about...Tulip?" I asked. The baby sheep that was now named Tulip, bleats, making me chuckle.

"It's nice to meet you, Tulip. I'm August", I introduced myself.

Ever since that faithful night, Tulip and I were the best of friends.

End of Flashback

August's point of view

Clint put one hand on my shoulder and the other hand on Tulip's head. Steve and Tony looked at each other.

"Do you realize how much Tulip means to her now, Tony", Steve asks, more calm than before.

"I do and I'm sorry", Tony says. Tony puts the knife back and sighs.

"I guess I'll find a different sheep to cook", Tony says. Tulip bleats.

"Or Chicken is fine", Tony says cautiously. Tony walks out of the room.

"He has issues", I said.

"Yeah, we figured that out as soon as we met him", Natasha says before taking a sip of her coffee.

Later that afternoon,I came back to my room after watching Clint and Natasha train in the training room, but then, I heard a scream. I ran out of my room and found Natasha and Tony in the seating room.

"Natasha, why'd you scream", I asked, out of breath.  Natasha looked at me in confusion.

"What are you talking about. That was Tony", Natasha says. I tried not to laugh as I looked at Tony, who had an expression of embarrassment.

"Why'd you scream, girl", I said laughing. Tony gave a sarcastic smile which was immediately replaced with a glare.

I followed Natasha and Tony to...the bathroom? There was music playing. Natasha and I swung the doors open. I was shocked on what I saw.

Tulip was in the bathtub with a shower hat on. There was a radio on the ground.

"To be honest, this isn't the weirdest thing that Tulip has done.

(I don't know why I put in that last part. I just felt like it I guess.)

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