Another Attack

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3rd person's point of view

Location:Avengers Tower

In the seating room, Tony Stark and Steve Rogers were playing a game of Checkers. Their only audience member, Bruce Banner watched them play the game as he drank his morning coffee.

They waited as Steve thought about what move he was going to make. "You even move like an old man, old man", Tony says.

"Shut up, Tony", Steve says as he moves his checker piece. Steve knocks another one of Tony's checker pieces off the board.

"How's that for an old man, Genius, Billionaire, Playboy Philanthropist", Steve asks grinning.

"Well played", Tony says, sounding annoyed.

Thor comes into the room. He sets his hammer, Mjolnir, on the table, making Steve's checker pieces fly off the board.

"Oh, gosh. You're a life saver, Point Break", Tony says cheerfully as he stands up from his chair.

"Thank you?" Thor said, but it came out as a question.

Clint and Natasha enter the room. Clint grabs a cup of coffee for him and Natasha. Natasha sits next to Steve. As Natasha sees the scattered checker pieces, she smiles. "Let me guess. Steve?", she asked.

"No, no. I did. I won. Thanks to Mole near, but mostly thanks to me", Tony brags.

"It's pronounced Mjolnir, Tony", Natasha told him.

"Either way, I whooped at old man today. Remember that", Tony says before taking a drink of his coffee.

Steve rolls his eyes. "Don't remember that", Steve groans. Clint sits down in a chair next to Natasha, with two cups of  coffee in his hand. He gives one cup to Natasha  and drinks out of the other.

"So Thor, how's August", Steve asks.

"August is doing great", said Thor.

"That's a relief. I thought I was going to have to hurt someone", A voice said. The Avengers turned to look at the doorway and saw Loki standing there.

"Hello, Earth's Mightiest Heroes. Where is she?", Loki asks.

As Loki stood by the doorway, The Avengers took out their weapons. Steve grab his sheild from behind his chair, Thor grabbed his hammer, Natasha grabbed her gun from her weapon belt, and Clint grabbed a knife from the table.

"No need for all of that. I just need my daughter back. Where is she", Loki asks in a calm voice.

"You're not getting her back, Loki", Steve says.

"You can't keep her from me forever! WHERE IS SHE?!", Loki shouts in anger.

"Safe from you", Natasha snapped. Loki's rage transforms into sinister grin.

"Here's the thing, Agent Romanoff. If you don't tell me where she is, Midgard will suffer through another war", Loki threatens.

"Is that a threat", Steve asks sternly.

"Oh no, Captain. It's a promise", Loki replies with his devilish grin.

Steve throws his sheild at Loki, but Loki disappears before the sheild could hit him. Meaning that it was an illusion.

Thor walks out of the room with Steve following after him. "Thor", Steve calls out to him

"I have to go to August. I have to warn her about what's coming", Thor said as he and Steve made it to the elevator.

Steve and Thor stand next to each other on the elevator. "So are you coming with me", Thor asks Steve.

"Yes, but if August doesn't know who she really is, how will we explain this to her", Steve asks.

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