31. Rescue Mission (part 2)

Começar do início

I silently thank God they don't carry any pictures or I'd be totally fucked.

"Alright man. Carry on." He finally says, seeming convinced.

"Thanks." I reply. Taking even and steady steps as I move away, to avoid looking hurried and arousing more suspicion.

When I have put fair distance between myself and the man I look down at my stop watch. My eyes widen and I let out a string of curses as I hasten my steps.

Only three minutes left.

I take a left turn and notice this hallway looks deserted.

Taking that as my cue, I break into a run towards the short staircase that leads to the control room.

I say a quick prayer as I place the card over the door for scanning. It only takes a second for it to click open.

I step in and three pair of eyes turn to settle on me.

"You lost boy?" An older man asks after a few seconds.

"No sir, The boss says we are expecting company. So I've been assigned to guard the control room. Make sure the place is properly locked down." I reply smoothly.

"Alright boy. Do what you need." He says gruffly.

I realise there's only 18 seconds on my watch so I quickly ask.

"Which switch controls the waste pipe passage? Just to make sure it's not vulnerable to the intruders we expect."

"That one boy. It's sealed shut." He responds, pointing it out.

I smirk.


With one second left I flip the switch and hope I'm not too late.

"Hey! what the hell?!!" One of the guys yell in confusion.

I pull out a silencer and take them all out before they have a chance to raise alarm.

"Close call." I say to myself. Blowing out a breath I've been holding while wiping some pressure induced sweat off my forehead.

I quickly turn off the radio device that picks up on foreign signals found on the factory grounds.

It's the reason we used a stop watch instead of an earpiece to work out the pipe passage.

Time to meet up with the guys, I think in my head. Heading out and towards the storage room.

But not before leaving an 'out of order' sign on the control room door.

Ethan's POV

"What the hell is keeping him?!!" Dawn exclaims for what felt like the thousandth time.

We have about three minutes on the watch and the doors are still shut.

"Get the explosive out of your backpack Ethan. Let's set it up." She instructs.

I immediately pull it out and hand it to her.

She gets to work and it's all set up on the door within seconds. Makes me wonder how many times she has set up bombs like that one.

On second thought. I don't want to know.

"Alright man, 10 seconds. Lets move away from the door. I'll remotely trigger it." She says quickly moving back. I follow suit.

She begins a countdown and I swear the bad guys could hear my heart beat at the pace it is racing.

"Three, two, one.."

I'm bracing for the explosion. But the door slides open at count one. Thank God!

"Well took him long enough!" Dawn hissed quietly. Striping off the explosive and handing it back to me.

"Hold on to that. We'll need it." She says.

We head towards the storage room. Hoping that the renovations to the building have not altered it's position.

When we get there we both switch our earpiece on.

"We're at the door." Dawn whispers to Derek through her earpiece.

It slides open seconds later, and we are met with a slightly stressed looking Derek. Dressed in a jumpsuit.

"Sorry for the close call guys. I got held up." He says in apology.

We both nod in acknowledgement.

"Alright let's get our facts straight. Spence?"

He calls out to him.

"Here." Spence replies shortly through the earpiece.

"What do you have?" He asks.

"I was able to hack into the security camera system. Red is on level 3. It's pretty guarded though. I think they expect us."

"They do. What's our best option?" Derek asks.

"Well level 4 is pretty much empty. I suggest you blow a hole on the ground up there. On a spot directly over where Red is held."

"Alright thanks." Derek responds before giving us his attention.

"You heard what he said. Dawn do you have an explosive that can blow a hole in the ground, but not enough to bring the entire floor down in the process?"

"Yea sure." She replies not missing a beat.

"The explosive we brought for the door would do the trick." She adds confidently.

"Alright. Grab a uniform. Let's move."

We take uniforms from the storage room and head back into the hallway.

I'll be honest, this is the coolest place I've ever seen. Too bad it's under the present circumstances.

We finally make it to the forth level unspotted. Spence was right. It is deserted.

"Alright guys speed up." Derek says as we steep off the elevator to walk towards the room above where Izzy is.

We're barely halfway there when a blood curling scream sounds out from the floor below.

My blood runs cold from fear and I'm pretty sure I'm white as a ghost in that moment. They are hurting her.

It draws out for over a minute before there's complete silence.

We all sprint for the room above her and Dawn gets to work on getting the explosive set up.

Taking instructions from Derek who is still in communication with Spence, she plants it in a corner that ensures Izzy's safety.

Another scream sounds out. This time louder as we are directly on top of her. It takes all my restraint to not seize the trigger and detonate it myself.

"I'm blowing it." She says angrily. Moving away like before. We both follow. She counts.

"Three, two, one"

And this time the explosive does go off. Smoke and dust quickly clearing up to reveal a gaping hole in the ground.

Not wasting any time Dawn jumps through.

Then she calls out in a cheerful voice that holds a dose of darkness, anger and bitterness beneath it.

"The Calvary is here!!!"


We are approaching the end guys!

Check out my next update for the action packed and eventful escape from the factory..

Find out who makes it out and who doesn't!


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Twisted Fate (Complete)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora