I walked away from Aiden and through the warehouse.


"Umm who are you?" I asked. There was a tall guy standing in front of me, probably in his early twenties.

"Aren't you Smokey's sister?" He asked ignoring my question. I was getting sick of this question.

"Seriously liv?" Jacob glared at me. I hadn't even noticed his arrival. "What the hell is wrong with you? Where is Abby?"

"She's in the car," I told him. "She's fine. I locked the doors and everything."

"Let's just go" Jacob sighed. I skeptically followed him to the car. I'm surprised he didn't go off right there.

"You okay Abby?" Jacob asked as we got into the car.

"Yup!" She smiled. Jacob was clearly being overdramatic here, Abby had toys and everything to play with. It's not like I just left her on the side of the road.

"Your unbelievable" Jacob sighed looking over at me. "All I asked was for you to wait in the car, but you can't even do that."

"I was curious" I defended myself.

"What did you even do in there? Did you go talk to Aiden?" Jacob asked.


"I don't believe you"

"You don't have to"

"I'm never bringing you guys back here." He sighed starting the car and driving off.

"Why do you hate Aiden so much," I asked, finally building up the courage to talk. He ignored me so I continued. "He never even did anything to you. So why are you such an asshole? He's a great guy and your such a fucking asshole to him."

"Drop it Olivia" Jacob practically growled at me. I ignored him and continued.

"You just don't want me to live my life! Your so fucking controlling and you always yelling at me! But your such a fucking hypocrite, you're in a gang for fucks sakes. Yet you get mad at me for everything!" I yelled.

"Take the fucking hint! I said drop it!" He yelled tightening his grip on the steering wheel. His knuckles turning white from the amount of pressure. He looked like he was going to hit me but I just kept talking.

"No! You never tell me anything! I'm so sick of all the fucking secrets! So stop lying for once in your life and tell me the truth!" I yelled.

We pulled up in front of our apartment. Jacob got out slamming the car door behind him.

"Why did you gotta do that?" Abby asked. I forgot she was in the car.

"What do you mean?" I sighed.

"You yell and he gets mad"

"I'm sorry" I sighed once I realized Abby was crying.

I opened her door for her and we both entered the apartment.


"You hungry?" Abby nodded eagerly at my question. "What do you want to eat?"

"Pizza" she smiled. I nodded pulling out my phone and ordering pizza. I haven't seen Jacob since I freaked out at him. He hasn't even left his room since we got home.

Lately, all I do is fight with him. I want things to go back to how they used to be before I found out anything.

I haven't heard from my mom in a while. I tried to text her about Logan but she didn't respond. My guess is she moved again and hasn't given us the new number yet. It's not like I wanted to talk to her or anything, I just wanted answers and odds are she knows a lot more about Logan then anyone else.

After the pizza got here I brought some to Jacob as a peace offering. I hesitantly knocked on his door.

"Come in"

I slowly opened the door. Jacob was sitting on his bed going on his phone.

"I brought a peace offering," I told him holding a plate of pizza in my hands.

"It's gonna take more than a slice of pizza to make up for all the shit that you've pulled."

"I know I shouldn't have done that, but when you don't tell me things it makes me that way and I wanted answers."

"You can't pin your behaviour on me. You need to smarten up and stop being so immature." Jacob told me.

"I know, I know. I'm sorry."

"Fine you are forgiven," he said to me with a glare and watched me carefully as I walked out of the room.

A/N: do you guys like Olivia?? I originally tried to write her a different way but that didn't work out :)

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