Chapter Nineteen: Return

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Ben placed both of his hands on both of Rey's arms. "Rey, I love you more than my own life." He slid one of his hands down her arm and held her hand in his. "I still don't know how you can stand to let a murderer touch you—"

"Ben..." she interrupted.

He shook his head to ask her not to interrupt, and continued. "—but I'm the most blessed man in the universe." He brought both of her hands up to his lips and kissed them. "Rey Solana Skywalker, you once had no last name, and now you have more than you ever imagined, but...if it works, if I make it out alive, would you do me the immense honor of taking one more last name—mine? Will you marry me?"

Rey's eyes were shining. "Yes! Yes, I will become your wife, Ben Solo. We really are two that are one, and I will never love anyone the way I love you."

Rey eagerly put her arms around Ben's neck, and he put his arms around her waist and drew her close. Their lips met, and there was nothing else in that moment but the two of them and their hearts overflowing with love and dreams.

Rey pulled away first. Her face with alive with excitement. "Let's get you back into the land of the living. I want to get married as soon as possible." She gave him the biggest grin he'd ever seen.

He leaned in for another quick peck. "You and me both, my beautiful Light."

Suddenly Ben gave a laughing snort. "I just realized something. If this works, I'm not going to have any clothes."

Rey startled, then looked away. Ben sensed her embarrassment, but what he didn't realize was that it wasn't from the thought of him having no clothes, but rather what she was about to admit.

In a quiet voice, she murmured, "I know exactly where some clothes are that will fit you perfectly. Because they're yours..." she trailed off, then cleared her throat. "Can you find a portal to the Falcon?"

Ben grinned. "You kept my clothes?" Rey nodded sheepishly. A sly grin tipped up one corner of his mouth. "Well, well, well..."

Rey had many thoughts running through her head, but she didn't want to share them yet. Soon... She took his hand. "Let's just go, ok?"

"Sure thing," he replied, still grinning like a fool. Ben concentrated on accessing a portal to the Falcon, and they came upon it right away. The Force knew it was time to go home. But Rey did not turn towards the portal.

"Ben," Rey asked, looking off into the distance, "what are these portals—these ones on the other side of the present day? They look different. Things are really swirling around."

"Those are the future. The Force exists in every time and connects them together; it's why we can see visions of the future. But you can only look through those portals, you can't go in. The future is always in motion and ever changing."

Curious, Rey walked over to a portal that seemed to call to her. She looked in and saw the terrace of a beautiful lakeside palace. The sun was shining, the trees were emerald green, and blooming flowers created vibrant bursts of color all over. In the middle of the terrace stood herself and Ben, facing each other and holding hands. Rey was dressed in a flowing gown that, in the Naboo wedding tradition, was white. The top of the dress was covered with tiny pearls and diamonds that cascaded down the shiny satin of the gown. Her hair was piled on the top of her head in soft curls, and she wore a diamond tiara that looked like a sunburst. Ben looked handsome in a fine white shirt, black pants, and a dark blue vest richly embroidered in a pattern of gold, silver, purple, maroon, and green.

Surrounding them were those who were family to them, whether by blood or ties of close friendship: Han, Chewie, Lando, Jannah, Finn, Rose, Poe, and Zorii. Not even the droids were left out: C-3PO, R2-D2, BB-8, and D-O were all there. Rey could even see the spirits of Luke, Leia, and Anakin watching them.

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