Chapter Twelve: Instructions

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Rey put down her bag and straightened her clothes. This was going to be a very short incursion into the real world, but she was as nervous as when she'd been about to enter Starkiller Base. Not because her life was in danger or she'd be caught, but because she was worried she wouldn't be able to convince Leia to relay her message to Han, or that if she did, Han would not follow Leia's instructions. Or that if both of them did what they were supposed to, Kylo would make different choices than the ones Ben assumed his younger self would. So much of this particular rescue mission depended on others.

Rey practiced her speech in front of Ben several times. Before going in, Ben embraced her. "Whatever happens, thank you."

They opened their bond with one another and they stepped inside the portal, but only one step. They saw Leia nearby at the edge of the landing area.

"Leia." Rey called softly but clearly, using the Force to direct her voice to Leia's ears only. It wouldn't do to have others observe Rey's presence.

Leia turned and looked around for the voice, a confused look on her face. "Who are you?"

"General, I'm Rey, the girl who arrived on Takodana in the Falcon with Han, the droid, and the map to Luke. The one your son abducted. I'm contacting you through the Force, because I've been having strong visions while I've been captive on Starkiller Base, visions about your husband and your son, and I need to give you a vital message."

"Visions? What kind of visions?" Leia asked.

"I've seen the future through the Force. You must listen to me carefully. When Han goes to Starkiller Base, he needs to take one more person along. This is because he and Chewie must not split up. They need to stay together. Han will see Ben. At that point, Chewie must retreat into the shadows where Ben does not see him. Tell Han that when he talks to Ben, he must not go out on the bridge to meet him, or let Ben bring his lightsaber close. And if Han should return, when you leave in the Raddus, under no circumstances should he go to the bridge."

"You're saying I should send one more man along, and I need to tell Chewie and Han not to split up. When Han sees Ben, Chewie must retreat, and when Han speaks to Ben, he must not go out on the bridge, and he must not let Ben bring his lightsaber close. And I must tell Han to stay off the bridge of the Raddus when we leave."

"Yes. I know you have never even met me, and what I'm saying sounds crazy. You have no idea what I'm talking about or even if I'm making all this up, but I'm begging you to trust me. It's not only for your own good and Han's, it's for your son's sake too. There is still good in him, I know it."

"Still good in him..." Leia murmured. "It hurts too much to hope anymore. But I sense you are telling me the truth."

"Hold onto your hope. And one more thing, just as important as my other instructions. I cannot explain why, but neither you nor Han must ever speak of this vision to me in the future."


"No. You are wise, General. I trust you. May the Force be with you. I will see you soon."

Leia nodded, and Rey took a step back through the portal, disappearing from Leia's sight.

Both Rey and Ben dropped the bond and paused, trying to sort through their memories as quickly as they could in order to determine if anything had changed.

"I'm not sure what's real and what's just my imagination reliving what we hoped would happen," Rey exclaimed, frustrated.

"My thoughts are all jumbled, too. It might be better to go watch." Ben grabbed her hand and ran to a nearby portal.

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