"So beautiful watching you fall apart beneath my hands. They way for body relaxes right before you come or the blissful smile you have afterwards or how your eyes darken to a dark green when you are filled with desire. Beautiful." He kissed her gently on the lips before pulling back and resting both hands on her shoulders to make sure she didn't fall down.

His words made her want to cry. Instead she blushed and looked down and tried to grab his erection to return the favour. However, he grabbed her hands and shook his head.

"What about you?" She asked and watched, and Chase turned her towards the shower door.

"I am fine, Charlie. That was for you. If we continued, we would be late. You need to dry and style your hair before we head over." His pale hand shot out in front of her and opened the door.

"I can be quick." She questioned and turned her head around as he threw back his head in laughter.

"I know, beautiful, but for now I can wait. Go put some warm clothes on before you get even more sick and start drying your hair." Charlotte left the shower and wrapped herself in one of the towels from the villa provided and quickly left the bathroom to let Chase shower. She quickly put on an oversized white button-down shirt and some thick black tights and socks before walking into the bathroom and started the hair dryer.

Chase had come out of the shower wrapped in a white towel and kissed the top of her head before going to get dressed. Once Charlotte's hair was dry, she started the curling wand and set out her makeup figuring it would be easier to have anything done so all she would need to do is get dressed.

While the curling iron heated, she applied her makeup, aiming for the natural look. It didn't take her long to finish her makeup and hair and was surprised when she had done it in 40 minutes. She could hear Chase on the phone in the next room as she lined her lips and applied her nude lipstick. Smiling at herself in the mirror, she quickly sprayed her hair with hair spray to keep the curls in place.

When she walked into the bedroom after double checking she turned all the appliances off she found Chase sitting shirtless on the bed typing away at his laptop with his phone to his hear. He smiled at her when she walked in and found he had already laid out their clothing on the bed ready to go. Charlotte looked are her phone and saw it was almost 10:30am and they would have to be leaving in a few minutes. Charlotte added her watch, ignoring the white lines on her wrist, and stopped when she glanced at her engagement ring on her left finger. She knew Chase was watching her, and she wondered if she should take it off or not. Sighing, she left it on, having a weird feeling like Landon would know if she had taken it off. Sighing, she dropped her hand that felt like it weighed hundreds of kilos and slipped her joggers on ready to go once Chase had finished his call.

"Yes, I'll get back to you during the week. Okay, bye." She watched as Chase hung up the phone and closed his laptop and stood up from the bed throwing on a plain black shirt.

"You ready to go?" He questioned her and she stood up from the bed grabbing their clothes and smiling at him.

"Yup." They both left together and got into Chase's car to drive to the wedding venue. When they arrived Charlotte got out and saw Chase's mum waving her over.

"I'll see you at the wedding." Chase gave her a nod, knowing his mum was watching, and she watched him walk over to the other cottage just down the road from where the women were. Making sure her dress didn't touch the floor, she walked over to Mary who kissed both her cheeks.

"Don't you look beautiful and you aren't even dressed. Here, let me grab your shoes." She passed the shoes over and saw Mary look at the brand, but said nothing. They walked inside the cottage and the first thing Charlotte heard was laughter. She followed Mary, and soon they were in the room with all the bridesmaid and bride.

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