"i kissed yoongi's head. isn't that showing him love and affection?" taehyung said as he showed jimin his screen saver again.

a feeling of tension was starting to grow between the boss and his employee. taehyung was staring at jimin with challenging eyes. jimin glanced at taehyung's phone before looking back at him.

"you did it because you grew fond of him." jimin said.

"yeah exactly, that's all. i'm not going to catch feelings for him just because i turn him into a cat when i kiss him."

"taehyung that's not what i-"

"please don't worry about me and yoongi falling in love with each other because we won't. he'll only be human for a month and who for me who knows what will happen to me. i'll head home with yoongi now, i'll see you tomorrow. goodnight, jimin." taehyung didn't wait to listen for anything else that jimin had to say.

he walked towards jungkook who sadly handed him the cat, but also didn't fail to notice taehyung's attitude. he watched as taehyung began to walk home with yoongi, then he turned to jimin. "was taehyung mad?"


the rest of the next few days it was awkward at work. taehyung and jimin hardly talked, obviously taehyung still being mad at jimin.

jungkook sensed the tension in the air but decided not to get involved and instead kept himself busy with yoongi.

by the end of the week, jimin was tired of the silent treatment. he wanted to talk to taehyung, but taehyung always made an excuse.

today's excuse was that yoongi had his check-up with hoseok, which jimin couldn't argue with, so they walked in silence to taehyung's house. jungkook occasionally spoke. it was obvious that he was trying to break the tension, but it too thick and taehyung and jimin didn't say much, so he gave up and stayed quiet the rest of the way to taehyung's house while carrying yoongi in his arms.

hoseok was waiting outside taehyung's house by the time they arrived. he smiled and tried to greet everyone, but he only received a shy 'good evening' from jungkook.

hoseok raised an eyebrow at jungkook, as if asking what was wrong with jimin and taehyung, but jungkook only gave a shrug.

inside, jungkook set down the cat on the couch and noticed jimin discreetly watching taehyung trying to smell his own breath.

taehyung just wanted to make sure his breath didn't smell- and it didn't. after all, today was going to be the day he would kiss yoongi again and bring back his human form.

hoseok quickly got to work trying to figure out if yoongi fully healed and was ready to turn back into a human.

jungkook watched in awe as hoseok concentrated. he couldn't wait until he was a bunny again, so he could accidentally injure himself and go see hoseok. jimin warned him to not try injuring himself, so jungkook was going to wait until he was back in his bunny form. he didn't say that jungkook couldn't injure himself in his bunny form.

hoseok grinned and rubbed the cat's head before turning to face taehyung. "he's fully healed. you may kiss your cat."

taehyung's heart felt like it was beating a little faster than usual. he was nervous. taehyung didn't know why. why are you nervous? there's no reason to be nervous, you kissed him before.

taehyung's eyes were on the cat as he approached him. the cat was watching him too, which made him even more nervous. he sat on the couch beside the cat and the cat climbed into his lap, now that he was fully healed.

taehyung looked up to see three pairs of eyes watching him. when he last kissed yoongi, hoseok, jimin, and jungkook had been watching too, but he didn't care last at that time. now, it just made him even more nervous than he already was.

yoongi was patiently waiting in taehyung's lap. when the other had snapped back into what he needed to do, he picked up the cat in his arms and brought the cat closer to his face.

usually, the cat would lick taehyung's face and he would turn back into a human, but today it was taehyung who had to kiss him. like before, yoongi was just patiently waiting.

"why are you taking so long? i missed yoongi in his human form." jungkook said with a frown as he was impatiently waiting for his best friend to turn back into a human.

taehyung didn't realize he was taking so long, so he quickly pressed his lips against the cats to get it over with.

the familiar cloud of sparkly dust appeared and taehyung swore he was in a fairytale. does it look more magical than the last time i saw it or is it just me?

yoongi's lips were inches away from taehyung's when the cloud magical cloud disappeared and yoongi was back in his human form.

taehyung stared back at the human's chocolate brown eyes that he so much missed. it was then that he realized their proximity. he could feel the other's breath on his face, so he quickly tried standing up from the couch, yoongi moving away as well to let the other stand up.

"does your leg hurt?" hoseok asked.

yoongi took a few steps, before smiling up at hoseok. "no."

"yay!" jungkook yelled as he ran to his best friend and engulfed him into a hug. "i missed you!"

"what do you mean? i was with you in my cat form." yoongi smiled as he wrapped his arms around his best friend.

"it wasn't the same." jungkook pouted before pulling away. he quickly ran to hoseok giving him a hug as well, grateful to have his best friend back in his human form again.

hoseok hugged him back before whispering in his ear, calling him a cute bunny once again and promising him that he'll visit.

meanwhile, taehyung was nervous. yoongi was back in his human form and he didn't know to act.

jimin sensed this but didn't say anything. he smiled at yoongi and told him how much he missed his human form as well.

when it was time for hoseok to leave and for jungkook and jimin to head home, yoongi wanted to stay with taehyung.

"why did you stay?" taehyung asked.

yoongi smiled. "i got used to your company as a cat...and we have lots to talk about."

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