Chapter Thirty-eight: Most Awaited Battles

Start from the beginning

He fired the rest of his bullets to make sure Renjun wouldn't come out of his cover before sprinting towards their van. If he couldn't shoot him down, might as well knock him out.

Renjun, on the other hand, had let all the shots hit the van first before he braced himself and stepped out of his cover. But upon doing so, the first thing he saw was a black suit, followed by a greeting of sending his gun flying.

Dang it!

Hendery didn't give him any time to retrieve the gun and threw the first punch. Renjun quickly stopped it by grabbing his wrist and tried twisting his arm down. Hendery gritted his teeth at this but folded his other arm to elbow him in the face. The other boy wasn't quick enough to avoid it completely and so it brushed against his cheek and hit the van's door.

Inside, Chenle had already cut a piece of clothing around the wound's area, exposing Haechan's shoulder blade, and was about to pinch the bullet from inside using forseps when the van slightly shook. It ruined his balance and almost shoving the forseps inside.

"Fuck!" Haechan yelped in pain, feeling it digging into his flesh. Blood had oozed more out of the hole.

Chenle muttered curses in Chinese and moved the forseps away as fast as he could. "Sorry." He was frustrated as he couldn't perform the surgery with a situation like this.

Thinking Renjun couldn't handle it by himself, he knew he had to do something.

"Renjun." He called through the earpiece, twisting his torso to reach one of the black duffel bags. Pulling it closer and opening it, he began to rummage inside it.

"I'm busy!" Replied by the other as he continued to fight with Hendery.

"Open the door." Chenle had finally found the object.

"What?" Renjun asked in utter confusion, ducking when Hendery swung his foot to kick him.

"Just trust me." Chenle argued. "You need this."

Renjun was still unconvinced but as of this point, he needed anything that could help him. Standing up, he unlocked the door and slammed it towards Hendery's way, hitting him on the face. This caused him to be unresponsive, giving Chenle time to throw the object at Renjun. "Catch!"

Renjun easily caught it with his hand and instantly realized why Chenle would give it to him when he saw what it was.


Without wasting any time, he swiftly closed the door once again, covered his face by his sleeve and let it explode in front of Hendery, emitting a puff of white smoke. Hendery, who didn't know what it was for, had made a mistake of inhaling it, feeling its effects kicking in after a few seconds.


A little later, his eyes became droopy and his limbs jelly. He felt the world spin in his perspective before he finally lost his balance, fainting on the spot.

Watching him land on the ground, Renjun felt satisfaction upon using another of Chenle's inventions.

"That got him, right?" He heard Chenle chuckle. "Told you, you needed it."


As Chenle continued with the surgery while Renjun drove the van away from the police department, Mark and Jaemin ventured further down the floors of the building, with the tracker as their only lead. They had been following the red dot in Mark's watch, and to their relief, she still wasn't far from the building's perimeters.

The boys were currently walking along a hallway, searching for a faster way to go down the parking lot. "Where to?"

"We need to turn left after that." Mark answered Jaemin's question, pointing at the adjoining hallway at the end.

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