Chapter 9- Marry Me?

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“Marry Me?” He whispers against my lips.

            Every muscle in my body freezes, my eyes shoot open. He’s looking right at me with his brown eyes, waiting. Every particle in my brain is processing what he has just asked me. About ten seconds later the realization hits me. My arms feel like noodles, I open my mouth but no words come out. I think about what it would be like to marry Elijah. Maybe home in the countryside with plenty of room for Gabriel to run around, Elijah and I sitting on the patio. Perhaps another child for Elijah and I, a sibling for Gabriel. The thought of these things makes me very happy, my heart screams for me to say yes. However, my logic says that I am only just divorced and I should take my time.

 But that only thing I can muster up is “What?” my voice is almost inaudible. His arms tighten around me and he looks me deep in my eyes. “Will you marry me, James?” He slowly gets off of me and goes to his where his clothing was discarded on the floor. He crouches down to retrieve his jacket, and stands back up.  I see him take something out of his jacket pocket; he then tosses it back on the floor. With a slow walk he comes over to me, while I slide to the edge of the bed and take my hair out of its mop. Without my knowing, while I look down and take my hair down, he slowly kneels down and opens a little box.

I put the hair binder on my wrist and when I look up. He is kneeling in front of me, with a diamond ring in a red velvet box. I feel the pools of tear well up in my eyes, my breathing becomes shallow, just out of complete and utter disbelief. “James Montgomery,” he says. “I know that you have only just been divorced, but I feel as though it gives me a chance to take you as my wife.” My hand is on my chest and the tears have started to fall. “James, I have fallen completely in love with you. So instead of asking you to marry me, I’m going to tell you because I cannot live without you in my life.”  My tears are falling at a rapid rate. “I promise to be a honorable man to you, and a wonderful father to Gabriel.”

My breathing its uneven. “ Promise me something, in exchange for my love?”

He nods. “Of course.”

“Always and Forever.” My voice breaks.

He puts the ring on my finger and takes my face between his hands. “Always and Forever.” He says and leans his forehead against mine.

“Okay.” I say breathless.

*Sorry for how short it is. And I am so sorry for not being very consistent with my updates. Once Winter Break hits I will update DAILY. Please tell my your thoughts, what you think should? 



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