Chapter 7- Let me go

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Stan’s ranting to the judge about how a terrible wife and mother I am. I don’t even remember any more, I stopped paying attention. He’s screaming, I know because I can see the veins in his neck popping out and his mouth is opening wide with his face twisted in rage. He’s pointing at me, there’s a hair that has come loose from its slicked back form. What happened? I ask myself, what happened to the man I fell in love with in high school. What happened? I feel a tear streamed down my face, Stan looks at me again. He’s screams stop and he’s looking at me. He looks… like he’s in pain. I stand up, Elijah looks at me from the bench’s in the back. Though I can’t see him, I feel his eyes on me as I lean against the desk with my hip. I pull my blazer coat down and straighten out my skirt. “What happened?” I said aloud.

Stan looks at me confused. “What do you mean what happened?”

“I mean,” I pause. “what happened to the guy who would bring me soup and take care of me when I was sick. What happened to the guy who beat up some guy in our high school because he was bullying me? What happened to the guy that brought me flowers every valentine’s day?”

He shakes his head “Jay-“

“No!” I yell. “You will listen to me for once!” tears are running down my face. “What happened to him? And what made him become so cruel? What made him resort to beating me for…. For leaving the sink or saying one wrong thing?”

I see his eyes glisten. “I don’t know.”

I shake my head, “This isn’t working Stan, it may have been a fairy tale in high school,” I shrug. “But it’s a living hell now.”

He walks towards me. “I love you Jay.” He says taking my hands.

I wiggle out of his grasp, my tear falling down my face. “Then let me go, because I don’t love you anymore.”

His breathing becomes shaky. “What happened to for better or for worse?”

I shake my head and look down. “The worst was a lot harder than we thought.”

“Can we talk about this?” he says.

I nod and look to the judge. “Could we postpone?”

The judge nods. “Postpone thirty days.” And hits the gavel on the stand.

            Stan and I walk out of the court; Elijah stands in the isle and gives me a worried look. I take his hands and tell him it will be a moment. He nods and places one of his hands in his pockets. He watches Stan and I walk away. I stand outside the courthouse with Stan besides me. I hug my blazer a around me and stare into nothingness. Stan is the first to break the ice. “How have we fallen so far?”

I shake my head. “I guess we both grew up and with that grew apart.”

He chuckles. “Do you remember when we first met?”

I nod. “Yeah.”

“Do you remember running into me going to the music room at school?”

I smile. “Yeah.”

“When was the last time you played the piano?” he asked leaning his head towards me.

I shrug. “Since before Gabriel.”

“I remember when you used to play every day, and you’d get so lost that you’d play for hours. Without a break.” I nod at this. “I admired your desire to do anything for that things you love. That’s one of the reasons why I love you.” He finished.

“I’m not happy with you.” I told him. “Elijah makes me happy.”

He nods. “I understand.” He then turns around to the courthouse.

“I’m sorry Stan.” I say.

He shook his head. “Don’t apologize for your feelings Jay. You can’t really control those sometimes.”

I nod. “Thank you.”

He starts to walk away, but stops and takes something out of his pocket. “This was always yours Jay,” he puts it in my hand. “I will always love you Jay. I’m sorry for making you feel any different.”

            He then left, I open my hand and tears threaten to escape my eyes. He gave me my wedding ring back.

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