Chapter 8- Always and Forever

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Stan pov

            She wanted me to let her go, the truth is I tried. My mind won’t let me, every time I close his eyes I see her brown eyes and raven colored hair. If it wasn’t for that bastard boy, I would still be married to her, she would still love me! It’s not just that kids fault; it’s her new boyfriend’s fault too. If he hadn’t made her fall in love with him, SHE’D STILL LOVE ME!!! If she had just stayed at home and loved me! I wouldn’t be alone. She needs to be taught a lesson. I walk to the other end of the room and open the drawer on the bed side table. After I grab the object I lift it up to my eyes so I can see the revolver in my hand. With a quick flick of my wrist, the gage goes back into the gun. I shove the revolver in the waist band of my jeans and cover it with my shirt. Throwing a jacket on I grab my bag and throw it over my shoulder. I stop and see a bottle of vodka sitting on the counter, I grab it and leave to go and show James her wrong doings. And show her that I love her, Always and Forever.

James pov

            Stan seems to be taking things really well; I’m just surprised he gave me my ring back. Elijah, Gabriel and I are at a little diner not far from the compound. Elijah and I are sitting across from each other; Gabriel sits to the right of me in a high chair. His raven curls poke in every direction, his chubby hands hit the table causing his little face to light up in a smile. Elijah moves the fork away from him so he doesn’t hurt himself. He does this with a smile on his face; Elijah has become a wonderful father figure for Gabriel. I’m happy he’s here; a small smile appears on my face. This is all so surreal; I never thought I would have a life without Stan. Now I do, and I’m happy. Elijah’s eyes find me and her returns my smile; he takes my hand and kisses it gingerly. This makes Gabriel giggle and he hits the table harder. Elijah and I look at him and see he has spaghetti sauce all over his little face.

            Once we’ve finished our dinner the three of us go home, and Gabriel is asleep on my shoulder as we walk up to our apartment. Little Gabriel rubs his eyes, looks at Elijah and reaches out for him. “Dada.” He says. Elijah’s breathe hitches in his throat, and he takes Gabriel from me. He takes Gabriel to his room to tuck him in. While I go into our room, and change out of this dress. I change into a v-neck t-shirt and sweat pants, then place my hair in a crazy mop on top of my head. I plug my computer in the wall and start looking at some bills I need to pay. Soon thereafter Elijah walks in the room. He seems a little stunned. “Are you ok?” I ask looking up from my screen.

He shrugs of his jacket and starts to loosen his tie. “I am only surprised.” He says.

I close my computer. “Why?”

He tosses his tie to the side and starts unbuttoning his shirt. “I’ve never been called a father before.”

I get up and walk towards him. “You weren’t in a serious relationship with a single mother before either.”

He takes his shirt off and starts to take off his belt. “I suppose you’re correct.”

I walk up behind,  wrap my arms around his middle and lean my head on his broad shoulder. “I love you.” I say and kiss his shoulder.

He turns around in my arms , wraps his arms around my shoulders and kisses my forehead. “I love you too.” He says against my forehead. “Always and Forever.”

            I place my hands on his face and bring him closer to me. He meets me halfway and kisses my lips longingly. His strong hands pull my body closer to his and he kisses me more passionately. My stomach starts to feel warm and my body burns for him. His hands find their way into my hair and get themselves tangled in it. He then grabs my thighs and lifts me up effortlessly, my legs wrap around his waist. I feel him walking towards the bed slowly, conserving every moment of our kiss. He lays be down on the bed softly and his lips linger above mine for a moment before two words come out of his mouth.

“Marry me?”

*Sorry for the long wait, let me know what you think. And what do think James will say? 

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