Chapter 11- How?

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            Elijah has been tending to a lot of business with his family lately. Evidently Klaus got some girl named Hayley pregnant and all the Mikaelson's are working around the clock to make sure she is safe. As for wedding plans, Elijah and I have been too busy to even think about it. Like I said, they're all waiting at Hayley's hand and foot. I guess she's due soon, maybe I'll pay a visit. "James?"

I look up from my paper work and see Elijah entering our room. "Hey," I say "how's everything with Hayley?"

He shrugged his jacket off and hung it on the back of the door. "She has become increasingly uncomfortable."

"Yeah well that happens during the last month." I said. "I remember when I was pregnant with him," I nod my head toward Gabriel who is laying down beside me. "My back started to hurt and I felt like a giant balloon."

Elijah chuckles. "You make it sound horrible." He unbuttons his shirt and takes it off.

"The last month was." My eyes find their way to the paper's and then back to my computer.


"Hm?" My eyes still on my computer, I see Elijah move out of the corner of my eye. Soon the computer is gone and the paperwork is on the floor. I glare at Elijah. "What was that for?"

He puts his hands on my knees. " I have a question I wish for you to answer."

I grab his hands. "Ok, what's the question?"

He sighs, and runs a hand through his hair. "Have you ever considered believing that supernatural creatures exist?"

I furrow my brow. "Um what kind of supernatural creatures?"

He sits beside me. "Vampire's, Werewolves, Witches."

"Not really why?" I lean back on my palms.

He squares his shoulders towards me. "What if I told you they were all real?"

My blood started to pump I was getting worried. "What do you mean?"

He took my hand. "Your heart is racing, I've scared you."

I backed up a little bit. "How'd you know my heart was racing?"

"Because I can hear it." He sighed.

"Wait what?" I stand up "what do you mean you can hear my heart? What the hell is going on?"

Elijah stood up and spoke more. "Please listen to me." He said and grabbed my biceps.

I nod furiously. "Ok"

"I am one of those supernatural creatures." He said.

My throat got tight. "W-which one?"

"Vampire." He says letting go of my arms.\

            I run my shaky hands through my hair and sit down on the bed. My foot starts to tap repeatedly, my pulse jumps in my veins. I look at Elijah, who is patiently waiting for me to process this information. I grab Gabriel and hold him close to my chest. "I will not hurt him or you James, I love you both." He says.

I nod. "Ok, how did this happen?"

He takes his seat by me again. "While I was still human, my mother was a very powerful witch. She did everything she could to protect our family. So, one day after a full moon Niklaus came back with the body of our youngest sibling Henrick-"

"Who was killed by a werewolf."

"Yes, after that my mother did whatever she could to make sure her family was safe. My parents got the blood of a woman from our village and laced the wine, using in the power of the white oak tree to draw from. We all drank from it and my father drove a sword though each of our hearts. Once we woke we had to drink more blood to complete the transition. Once we had sun light burned us, as a result my mother created rings for us so we could walk in the daylight. The flowers at the root of the tree that gave us immortal life harmed us and prevented compulsion. The compulsion allows us to control others and their minds. The tree that gave us life could also take it away so we burned it to the ground. That is how vampires were created."

"Wait so your family is the first vampire's ever?"

"Yes, we are more commonly referred to as the originals."

"So how old does that make you?" I set Gabriel back on the bed.

He smiles. "A thousand years give or take."

"Holy crap."

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