Chapter 1

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As Mia's flight began to board, she checked for the 10th time if she had everything.
Suitcase check
Backpack check
Passport... Panic rose inside of her. She checks her backpack and pockets only to realize a few minuets later that she was holding it in her hand the whole time. Mia hated traveling by herself. She hated being alone in a public place it made her more awkward. You'd think otherwise considering she packed up and moved all the was across the world the minute she graduated from high school. Four years living in Australia. Mia's plan was to take a year off before going to university, but one year turn into two than three, and than four. In all honesty, she loved it here. Going back home was not what she wanted, but she knew sooner or later she had to go home. Australia was just a layover a pit stop before she got back on track.

As she arrived at her boarding gate, she handed her passport and boarding pass for check in,
" Enjoy your flight." The lady said while handing her passport back.

" Thanks you , you too.. .I mean... Have a great day!" Said Mia, and quickly walked away. Her face turned Crimson as she heard the women laugh. And this just one of the reason why she hates traveling alone. Awkward Mia was activated.

As she got on to the plane the cabin crew greeted her with a warm welcome. "22A, right this way ma'am," directed the air hosts.
After what happens a few mins ago, Mia decided to keep her mouth shut and just smile. When she got to her seat, she put her carry on in the overhead
compartment then got settled in her window seat. The flight slowly started filling up but, the seat next to her was still empty. A few minutes later then a young man around his twenties walked down the isle, scanning the seat numbers when his eyes landed on the seat next to her. After putting his stuff in the overhead compartment, he settled in next to Mia giving her a smile. "Hey"
Mia acknowledged his greeting with a nod, and busied herself with the TV screen in front of her. The screen went black and the intercom came on.

" Good evening! This is your captain, Jacob Jones, speaking. Welcome abroad ladies and gentlemen. We have approximately 21 Hours and 34 minutes till we land in Vancouver, Canada. Before our departure may we have your attention as cabin crew demonstrated the safe features. To fasten your seatbelts, insert the mettle end into the buckle to secure the seatbelt pull on the lose end of the strap, and to open lift the buckle cover. In the event of loss of cabin pressed oxygen mask will drop automatically from the panel above. Pull the mask down and cover your mouth and nose. Breath normally. Before assisting anyone else, make sure your mask is secured. On board there are six emergencies exists. Two doors at the back of the aircraft, right and left, two doors in the front right and left , and two doors in the middle of the aircraft right and left. All exists are clearly marked. Please take a moment to locate the exit nearest to you. For your safety, there is a life jacked stored underneath your seat, when instructed remove the jacket from its pocket, place it over you head and secure the belt around your waist. To inflate the life jacket, pull the red toggle down sharply, there's a vent piece for further inflation, a whistle to attract attention and a light that automatically come ones once it contacts with water. The life jacket should only be inflated once your are outside the aircraft. In the case of emergency floor pathway lights will illuminate. In the seat pocket in front of you carries the safety card, which should be read before take off. Thank you for your attention. Enjoy your flight. "

Mia went back to scrolling through the movie selections when she heard a cry in the front seat. Baby on board. The people started whispering and praying that the baby slept the entire flight. The flight started moving as cabin crew walked up and down the isle to insure everyone was secure.
Mia looked out the window as the plane dove into the air. Four years ago when she first arrived, she knew no one. A place that was a strange turned into home and strangers turned into family. She watched Australia city lights fade away into the distance.

After the flight was steady in the air, dinner was served. As always, airplane food never tastes good. Mia only ate the desert and drank the coffee. The Cabin crew came by and collected the trays, and the Lights went dim, passengers started to dose off. The plane was quite empty. I guess not a lot of people like to travel to Canada in the winter. The guy next to me got up and sat in the empty seats in the isle next to us. Mia decided to stretch her legs out and get some sleep.

Mia's eyes opened as cabin crew walked around asking passengers to fasten their seat belts. Turbulence. It lasted for a few minutes and than again another turbulence hit.
The Capitan came on. "Passengers, it seems as though we will be hitting a bit of turbulence nothing to worry about."
By the time turbulence stopped Mia had already dosed off to sleep, but not for long when the plane shook again. Everyone was told to fasten up. This time turbulence didn't stop after a few minutes. Passengers that moved to the empty seats to sleep were told to go back to their seat.

"Passengers we've hit another turbulence. The weather seems to be getting a little harsh. Won't be a smooth ride. So, keep those seat belts on throughout the flight, thank you" announces the captain.

The captain was right. Mia heard the rain coming down. As she looked out the window, she saw darkness.  A spark of lighting followed by a roar of thunder startled the baby, which began to cry. The rain got heavier and the plane wasn't slight shaking anymore, it started to turn onto its side. The pilot somehow straightened it, but it wasn't for long before it happened again and this time the pilot couldn't control it.

The air mask dropped from the panel above and everyone was told to put on a life jacket. The cabin crew trying their best to ease the situation, but even they couldn't mask the fear on their face. The plane started to turn to the left and then, to the right. The lights began to flicker and the overhead compartment across from her opens, a heavy bag flew in her direction. The man next to her tried to stop it, but the suitcase still hit her left temple. She felt warmness tickling down the side of her face.

All of a sudden, the lights all shut off. Passengers screaming and crying some even began praying out loud. Mia felt numb. The front of the plane dipped downwards. Everyone knew what was coming next. Just like how the roller coaster or skyscraper drops you from the top, the plane dropped. The screaming and crying got louder. In a matter of minutes the plane crashed into the water and everything went silent.

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