5. The Royal Wedding

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The castle walls peeked over the trees as the group of tieflings and I continued on our way. We had walked well over a couple of hours, I would have been lost forever if I had tried to find my way back on my own.

My teleportation ability allowed me to travel such a long distance, I pondered if maybe it could bend dimensional rifts too. Traveling the space time continuum would not only provide a way for me to go back to earth, but also to explore many other planets as well.

Maliss's strong, yet gentle grip as he held my hand made me dispel the thought of ever going anywhere else. Although, seeing Emily again is a must and I will try anything just to spend time with my best friend again.

We reached the gate and the human guards stepped aside and bowed as they saw the tiefling prince. Nimos popped out of the collar of my nightgown and perched on my shoulder like a pirate's parrot. He cooed as I scratched underneath his chin.

Maliss smiled at Nimos and scratched him on the top of his head between his ears. Nimos showed complete trust towards him, which helped to solidify my beliefs about him having a caring nature.

He stepped in front of me protectively as some guards headed straight towards me. They had their swords out, but sheathed them once they noticed the stern glare from my protector. They apologized to the prince, then stated that the queen and king requested my presence immediately.

Handing Nimos off to Maliss, I reassured the prince that I would be fine and that they were just upset about my wandering off. I didn't know if I was trying to convince him more or myself. I truly had no idea what would happen when they saw me.

I entered the throne room and the king promptly stood and yelled undeterminable words as I approached. When at the steps leading up to the thrones, the king lowered his voice and spoke slowly.

He growled that my little escaping stunt should lead to my execution and how they could just find someone else. The fact that the prince had found me and the short time frame of events spared me. He warned me to not mess anything else up or there will be dire consequences.

I politely agreed, not bothering to even try and explain that I wasn't escaping. The queen called in a servant and tasked her with making sure that I didn't leave the castle under any circumstances until we were ready to head to the tiefling kingdom. The servant girl shifted anxiously about her orders and I tried to display a smile of obedience and trust.

She curtsied to the royal couple and then slipped back to her place among the other servants. The queen proceeded to inform me that I would eat a breakfast with the royal human family and the tiefling prince, then the wedding preparations would commence.

Once placed into the princess attire, I was lead to the banquet hall. The table stretched for over 50 feet and had more food than a small army could eat. The food was incredible, but not as amazing as the fact that I was spending this time with Maliss.

The bland small talk questions that the royal family asked him were unable to deter my bliss. He had a magnetism about him and spoke with exuberant eloquence. His charismatic answers captured the attention of the whole table.

He was born to be a leader. I was impressed by how easily he could make one person feel like they were the only one that mattered, while still pleasing the entire company of people around us.

The queen looked pleased with my infatuation with Maliss, but only because it meant securing the treaty. She actually seemed to be the only one who did not have admiration for the prince, this must be due to jealousy. The king only cared about his power through fear, but the queen desired rule through conniving diplomacy and deceptive hope.

Prince... No, a princess??Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt