Chapter 13

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Hello guysss!! sorry for the late update hehehe... 

Here you go!!

tho im confused why the chapter 12 has more views in chap 11... So be sure you read Chap 11 before 12 alright?? 

babye! muah!!


"How's the note by the way? By now im pretty sure you already memorize some lines~ no?"

I choke on my food.

'oh gosh he know..!'

"About that.. I'm very sorry!! I just see it last time and become curious and then- " Jungkook stop hearing V chuckle.

"Don't worry it's alright" V smile.

"Your not mad..?" Jungkook ask looking at his in his lap under the table so V couldn't see how he fidget his fingers.

Jungkook is nervous and biting his lips, that note can be a private something or anyway, and he know what he did is wrong, he touch it without anyone's consent.

'Damn face..' "No I'm not so don't worry" ' i wanna puke all my love for him' V thought then suddenly he become confused.

'did i just said that..? Fuck ew.. DiSgAs~tInG!' He thought frustrated as his doll face suddenly become so fierce at the thought making the younger more scared and think negative thoughts that V is angry about him.

"Are you sure..?" Jungkook mumbled more nervous than ever.

"Hahaha yeah don't worry about it~ its just a note anyway.. something so small can't compare to the big secret hallways you seen right? Haha so don't worry about it" V replied.

But Jungkook feel a sarcasm there and he become even more worried, cause it just mean everything that he did was seen by Taeh- V.

He started to shake and feel like a cold bucket of water was splashed into him knowing that V probably know that he discovered the secret door.

"about that.. i'm sorry..! That is really an accident!! i just pull a random book and it suddenl-" 

"no need to explain~ i know the whole thing~ " V smirk.

"ohh ok.. but do you know how to take that creature back inside..?" Jungkook quite unsure.

"what creature?" V ask, visible how the smirk faltered.

Jungkook is confused why does V doesn't know anything about it?

"Ah.. yeah, you see when i open the bookshelf i closed it immediately but after a day of that incident there's this strange sounds i started to hear, at first i don't want to think about it cause i don't want to scare myself but it got worse and-"


'How the fuck is it still alive??' V eyes widen, and put his hand in his mouth while looking nowhere in disbelief.

"Well shit" V scoff in disbelief.

Jungkook is awestruck at V's innocent face yet a secret vulgar mouth he have.

But V collected his self immediately and go back to his straight sitting(?)

"Is there something wrong??" Jungkook ask while fidgeting his fingers and forehead cover with a thin layer of sweat.

"No, there's not-" As the doll was about to finish his sentence, something in the kitchen suddenly crash, making the big mansion echo in the continues(?) crashing of porcelain plates.

"What the hell is that??" V ask the younger while looking at the entrance of the kitchen.

"I-i don't know" Jungkook replied, nervous at the thought that someone who crash in the kitchen is some thief or something, and it make him more nervous just thinking if he can protect himself and the doll from this thief.

as they approach the kitchen, the see porcelain plates scatter in the ground and many more cups and saucer with it, but they see can't see any human form making them both relax a little bit.

but what caught they're attention more is a rotten thing in the corner of the room, it seems like that thing is scared at the mess that himself make.

 Jungkook slowly approach the mysterious thing in the room right now, but as he did so he back away almost immedietly,  the cause? 

well he just smell a spoiled milk with a rotten food left over garbages, that's why.

Tho he doesn't really mind, he's just shocked to smell it on someone.

So he slowly approach the scared thing again, not even breathing so just he can't smell the.. thing? 'Why do i feel like that sounds so wrong? i feel like a bad person.' 

Jungkook sighed.

Bad mistake.

As he sigh almost in front of the creature, he choke on the smell making him run fast across the room away from the two, as tears slowly form in his eyes.

He suffocate in the smell for a few seconds there.

'Tf?? i can even taste it in my tongue.. Arghh!!' 

And more liquid form in his eyes.

"Hey Jungkook!? why the hell are you crying??" V ask him in worried tone, But jungkook unfortunately did not catch the tone.

As Jungkook aired out the smell he breath from the creature, V don't know what to do.

He wants to go beside Jungkook and comfort the boy but they both know that the creature the younger talking about earlier is in front of them so they can't let this thing run away.

So V stay close at the creature eyeing it sometimes but his eyes are focus on the younger  who is leaning on the wall as he face the back of the younger.

"I'm ok!!" Jungkook shout but cough midway anyway.

"ha..." Jungkook breath out then face the two unholy creature in front of him, then approach them.

"I'm alright don't worry"  JUngkook said slowly approaching the doll and sniffing the air while doing so.

"The hell happened to you?" V ask as he see the red eyes JUngkook have right now.

"Just suffocate... ha.. can't you smell it??" Jungkook ask annoyed at how can V so calm it the rotten smell like, and the doll is even closer to the creature.

"I don't smell anything, sucks to be you" V smirk.

"Seriously? arghh.. You have a tongue yet you can't smell heh!" Jungkook replied also smirking, with that V scowl.

"So what are we going to do with that..?" The younger slowly point at the creature.

"You don't have to worry about him" V said side glancing the creature.

"What? Why??" 

"He's Yeontan, A Dog" V replied coldly, as he see the Dog looking at him with wide eyes.

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