Chapter 7.5

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"Hey.. What are you doing" i hear a voice behind me

Then someone put their hands on my shoulder while is hide the envelope and the paper to it's original place

I quickly turn around and see..

"O-ooh your 'Hobi' right..?"

"Hobi..? Ahaha nope! that's just a nickname my name is Jung Hoseok! Nice to meet ya!!" Then he forward his hand right it front of me to shake it after i reach it i introduce myself
"My name is Jeon Jungkook nice to meet you too" i reply kindly, Bowing slightly

We were just chatting around, still in the room, a few minutes pass i notice something moving in Hoseok's back so i glance in that direction

And i see the doll, standing straight, looking at me with those deadly eyes again.. What's his problem!?


As i hear someone said my name i flinch and look at Hoseok nervously

(Author: here, just to be more clear)


(Bed Bed)

(Bed Bed)



(C A B I N E T . . .)

(If it looks jumble up, pls make the words smaller until you see the whole
picture.. Thank you!)

"Ahh..! Yes?" I replied avoiding the stare i got from Taehyung

"Is there something wrong..? You were spacing out a little... Are you alright?" Hoseok ask me continuously

"Ah.. yeah, I'm fine!" 'i think..' i continue in my mind and look at Hoseok nervously, still feeling the cold glare the doll is sending me

"Hmm.. alright! I'll be leaving now! I have to go somewhere!" Hoseok said ready to leave the room, before he turn around i ask him a question

"Speaking of that.. how are you still here?"

"Well.. i... Hmm.. It's A Secret!! Now i gotta go! See ya!" After he said that he turn around and run away from the room, i didn't even noticed that Taehyung copy his previous position earlier






"So.. Were are we..?"




"Uhh.. i don't, know.." i replied as the nervousness come back to my system


This is just a filler chapter..

I'm sorry!! Pls don't kill me!!
I got author's/writer's block idk what it's called
Pls bare with me..!

I already finush the storyline ages ago but i can't make it into chapter by chapter.. Does That Make Sense!?





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