Chapter 12

390 27 7

Double update!!


"So when did you go that day??" Jungkook start.

"I've got business to attend to that day.." the doll reply.

"But your a doll"

"Well to be more precise im a soul in a doll's body" The doll replied calmly.

"Wait.. your a soul?? Does that mean your dead? Wow~ how does it feel like being dead" Jungkook bombarded the doll with questions while smilling happily.

"You know for someone who's asking about death your unusually happy..?" The doll ask confuse.

"O my gosh that came out wrong, im just happy cause i know something new about you!" The brunette smiled.

'cute' "ahh~ well back to your question yes im just a soul.. but can you clean that up first?" The doll point at the mess.

"Why do you even do that in the first place??" Jungkook ask looking at the scattered mess while scrunching his nose in displeasure.

"To get your attention" The doll said bluntly smiling at the other.

"Jeez.. you can just say my name and already running towards you..." Jungkook grumble already making his way to the mess while holding a dustpan.

'why the hell does that made me flutter..?' The doll ask in his thoughts while smirking in disbelief.

"Nahh that's gonna be boring~ hehe" The doll said poking out his tongue.

Jungkook glare at him while his cleaning the mess but surprise "oh shit you have a tongue!!?" The brunette ask in awestruck.

The doll purse his lips into a thin line while the other eyebrow is raised quite offended "Bitch"

"Ah! I didn't know you have a foul mouth~" Jungkook smirk amuse and happy at the same time.

"Honey~ there's many things you don't know about me~" The doll smirk back.

"Touché" Jungkook smile while going back to cleaning, he's happy.. because it's been a while since he talked to someone like this, this whole month he feel his saliva is getting rotten in his mouth for not talking to much.. but what can he do... There's no one to talk to.

"You know I'm still surprised your still here" 'cause no one really stay this long' The doll said smilling.

"It's my job you know" Jungkook reply still cleaning the mess made by the doll.

"I know~ everyone has a job, but not everyone follow the rules, so tell me why do you follow them?" The doll said then smirk while looking at the back of the brunette.

"Well it's for my mother, and i also need the money for college" Jungkook smile sheepishly, embarrassed at the word money, as he glance at the doll embarrassed at his own confession.

"Everyone wants money some even kill for it, im just surprise that you follow the rules, well except last time~" The doll smile too sweetly, for Jungkook's liking.

"Yeahh.. about that sorry.. its just that it gets to boring and..-" Jungkook apologize smiling apologetically.

" Ahh~ well you don't have to be bored now! I'm here!" The doll smirk.

"I know right! That actually make me glad!!" Jungkook smile at him widely showing his bunny teeth.

'well damn.. that's cute' the doll thought awestruck at the other's smile.

"And you should stay moving.. in just 3 months im gonna be leaving so let's be the best of friend!! Well i mean 3 months is long but yeah!" Jungkook exclaim excitedly.

'3 months.. hah! He doesn't really know a thing.. well no one really does until it's too late' "ok" The doll smile.

After cleaning Jungkook made the table again while the doll's eyes are fixed on him while his moving around, he made his breakfast again then after done he place it in the table and start eating.

"You want something?" Jungkook ask the doll before he sit.

"Nah im fine~ i dont really eat" the other replied.

Jungkook is confused because that made him confuse making him more confused.

"Ok.." Jungkook sat down and start eating but there's an awkward silence and that's making Jungkook nervous cause the doll is staring at him shamelessly, so with a nervous felling he eat but he accidentally drop his spoon making some little splattered on the table, he was about to say sorry but as he glance at the doll he some splatter in the doll's cheek.

"Oh shit! I'm sorry Tae-"

"Don't call me that" the doll smiled at him.

"Then what should i call you??" Jungkook ask as he is wiping the doll's cheek with tissue, at the same time the doll is looking at him.

This is the first time they get this close physically.

"Call me V" the doll smiled sweetly, this time it looks really genuinely cause this time.. his smile is so wide it kinda form a box... so Jungkook smile too showing his bunny teeth.

"Ok then V~" Jungkook tease at the new nickname.

"But why V?" He ask while munching his food.

"Hmm.. it's my other name.." V said smilling sheepishly.

'he looks a little embarrassed.. it's cute hehe' Jungkook thought smilling at the Doll.

"You know that nickname kinda suits you to be honest~ it suits you more as the way you act now for some reason, and i meant it for a good reason ok, you might misunderstood me again" Jungkook smile.

"It does?" V ask and Jungkook is sure the doll's face brightened for some reason.


They talk for minute chatting like an old friend with a reunion until someone realize something.

"Say~ You always change my clothes right?" The doll ask sweetly.

'that smile again..'

Those smile giving him creep to be honest.

"Yaeh why?" Jungkook ask while continue eating.

"How's the note by the way? By now im pretty sure you already memorize some lines~ no?"

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