Chap 8 "It's Over"

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Noah's POV

I woke up to an empty bed. I took a shower and looked around for Kayla. I saw her shooting arrows in the practice room. "Hey, babe," I stated. "Early morning?"

"You can say that," Kayla stayed as she turned around and looked at me. "Uhm, everyone's down in the kitchen enjoying breakfast. If you need me, I'll either be here or in my office."

"Okay," I replied.

"And can you send Steve up here when you get a chance?" Kayla asked. "I got a question for him."

"Yeah, no problem," I stated. I went to the kitchen and they had a lot of food. "Whoa, who did all the cooking?"

"That wife of yours," Clint stated. "She definitely went all out."

"She's the best," I smiled. "Oh, Steve, Kayla said she had a question for you. She's up in the practice room."

"Still?" Clint asked as Steve left. "She's been there all night."

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"I made a couple trips to the kitchen," Clint stated. "1am and 4:30am. She's been shooting arrows since one."

"She told me she had a report to write," I replied. "I don't know if she went to bed or not. I was knocked out."

"I'm just telling you what I saw," Clint replied. "You might want to talk to her and see what's going on."

"I'm sure she's okay," I nodded. "She'll talk to me when she's ready."

"The last time I seen Kayla practice all hours of the night was that big fight y'all had a couple months ago," Street replied. "The one that nearly killed her and Clint. If Peter wasn't there, who knows what would've happened."

"She talks about you an awful lot, Street," I replied. "I'm just glad she has her best friend working with her."

Kayla's POV

Steve walked in. "Hey," I stated. I took off the bow and arrow and put them back where they belong. "So, uhm, I haven't slept."

"Kayla, I told you to get some rest," Steve sighed.

"I know, but I wouldn't have been able to sleep anyways," I replied. "Look, I wanna go through with it."

"Are you a hundred percent sure?" Steve asked.

"Yeah," I nodded. "Right now."

"Kayla," Noah walked in. "Do you want to go for a picnic on the beach?"

"Noah, we have to talk," I stated. Noah walked over to us. "Steve, alone."

"I'll be in my office," Steve replied and left.

"Noah, I love you and I always will. That's not going to ever change for me," I looked at him. "But, I have to let you go."

"What do you mean?" Noah asked.

"I am asking you to sign these divorce papers," I stated as I grabbed a stack of papers from the table. I handed it to him. Noah looked at me. "Noah, please say something."

"I thought we were happy together," Noah stated.

"I am happy with you Noah. I love you, but I can't keep putting you in danger," I replied. "I have to let you go. It's not right to keep you here with me and then you die because someone is out to kill me. I'd rather let you go and stay alive out there." Noah looked at me. "I should've ended it when you moved to Florida, but because I was the stubborn one, I said we'd make it work. We did, and we got married, but after last night, I came to realization that I don't want you to get hurt." I held his face. "It's not right for me to worry about you being in danger because of my job. It's not fair to you. And it won't be fair to me if I quit." I let a tear go. "I will always love you and I'd rather you live a long and happy life than come face to face with one of my stupid enemies and die." I sighed. "Wanda lost Vision because of their enemy. I don't want that to be you. Even if we aren't together, you can always be in my life."

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