Chapter 16

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Kai's p.o.v.

In the room that I was given, Haven cuts my hair. She takes a razor and shaves the sides. When done, Haven pulls the rest onto a high puny tail and I stand, kissing my girl.

Haven reaches up, placing something in my ears. Well, three things.

Walking out, bother, and dad stand

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Walking out, bother, and dad stand. Lloyd hugs me. "You look great." He says. "I feel it. Thank you, all of you. For being there for me." I say. Haven curls into my side, I pull her to me.

Kissing her hair, we head outside. Forming their dragon's, I whistle for AryzSeyrVala. She comes, landing. I help Haven up, climing up myself.

Dad throws a bottle of tomorrow's tea, it opens a portal to our time. We wave and fly through. The monastery is seen, we land in the courtyard.

The ninja and resistance come out, I help Haven off AryzSeyrVala and clime off myself. Nya and Cole run out, hugging me. I pull them into a strong hug, both look at me.

"I'm still the Sensei, but, I'm back in action. And, I'll protect Ninjago once more." Haven comes to my side. "And I'm with you, Mi Amor." She says, I pull her close, kissing her hair.

A few weeks pass, we're in the park. Haven wanted a picnic and I'm more than happy to give her one.

Haven leans on me, I gladly hold her. Pulling out a hair pin, I clip it in her hair. Haven looks at it, reaching up and kissing me.

 Haven looks at it, reaching up and kissing me

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The sky grows dark, we head home. Coming down the main road, a cock of a gun is heard behind.

I hold Haven as the barrel of the gun goes to my back. "Give me your money and other valuables." Haven buries her face in my chest, I pull out my wallet and hand what money I have.

Pulling the earrings off, Haven's hair pin and my bracelet, handing them behind to the guy. He goes to leave when I twist and round house the fucker.

Grabbing our stuff back, we wait for the cops to arrive. Giving statements, we head home.

The following few days are good, Haven and me are at her parent's home. I'm helping Joann in the kitchen. Jason walks in as I slide the pan of cake batter in the oven.

Taking a deep breath, I turn to Jason. "Sir." Jason looks at me. "I wash to ask for your blessing to marry Haven. I love......"

Jason cuts me off. "You never had to ask. I couldn't ask for a better son-in-law." Jason tells me. Joann hugs me from behind, I pull the ring out and show them.

Later at the cook out in the back yard, mine and Haven's family are here. Jason stands, getting everybody's attention.

"I'd like to thank all of you who are here, family of old." The Jackson family laughs. "And our newest additions." My family bow. "For another great year on earth. Would anyone like to give testimony." Jason opens the floor to others.

Five people give statement's, when a little girl steps down, I stand and walk out, standing in the middle of the tables.

"Hello everyone, for those that dont know me, I'm Kai Garmadon, Haven Jackson's boyfriend. I met Haven in my home town Ninjago a year and half ago.

"I helped her with too many groceries." That brings a laugh. "At the time, I was broken. A former enemy of ours by the name of Chen captured me and tortured me for seven months. I broke on the third day. My body is littered with cuts, burn, brands, my joints were in bad condition.

"When my family found me, I feel into a catatonic state for eight months, my beloved brother, Cole, took care of me." Cole stands, bowing.

"When I recovered from the state. I began to recover from the injuries Chen gave me. But, I only had forty-eight percent of movement. With the help of my father and uncle, I had to quit being a ninja, but trained as a sensei.

"Two years went by and I met my beloved dragon AryzSeyrVala. Another year went by and fate brought me and Haven together.

"Well, what I'm getting at is. Haven, Mi Amor, will you join me." I had walked to the table, hand out. Haven smiles and takes my hand, I lead her out to where I was.

"Haven, your my light, my joy. You are my world and you will forever hold my heart. Haven...." I reach into my coat, pulling out the ring box.

Mummers from both sides sound as I kneel to one knee. "Haven Jackson, you've been there for me in my darkest nights as I have for you. So...." I flip the box, the ring shines in the evening light.

"Haven Jackson, will you do me the honors of being my wife and marry me." I ask.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2020 ⏰

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