Chapter 11

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Ash hands me my coat, I slip it on with difficulty. Ash helps with that. "Guys." We all here Zane's voice. Turning, Chen is leading Zane in the room. The ninja take off, hugging Zane. "I originally used this tournament to steal the elements of the masters. To use them to make a new generation of anacandri warriors. Sensei Kai here has taught me a valuable lesson and I'd like to make it up. How about a real tournament." Chen said.

"After that, can I have my beloved big brother back." "And I my son." I hear Lloyd and father. Wripping around, the gang is at the doors. I smile, lemping over and Lloyd meets me halfway. He hugs me, one I gladly return. Father hugs both of us as does mom. We pull away and the gang group hugs me, Cole and Nya right there beside me. We break away and Chen walks up. Father extends a hand, Chen takes it with a smile. "Well, what we waiting for, let's have fun." Clouse said.

Everyone cheers, the rounds are reset and, my gang even gets to fight. All in all, everyone had fun, and, as luck would have it, this world's Lloyd is the champion. Later, I'm with hem, he doesn't want me to leave. I reassured hem I'll always visit. Lloyd nods and I walk through the portal. A few weeks pass, I'm walking down main street. I see a lady struggling with one too many bags. Going over, I catch it as she drops it. "Oh, thank you." She says as I grasp two more. "May I help you, miss." "I believe you already are. I'm Haven (Hay-ven) Jackson." She turns down the corner. "I'm Kai Garmadon." I said, following.

Coming to the apartment building, I follow her up the stairs, she opens the door. Walking in, I set the bags on the snack bar. "Thanks again Kai, your the first gentlemen I've met here. I've only been in the city for a couple of weeks, I don't know any good places." Haven says.

"I could, if you'd like, I could show you the sights." I say. "Like a date." I scratch the back of. "If you'd like." I don't expect it, she comes over, kissing my cheek. "I'd like that. Tomorrow, the front door at nine." Haven says.

I nod, leaving. Coming to the monastery, I walk in to everyone having dinner, hushed conversation taking place. When I step in, it goes quiet. Fixing a plate, setting, I take a bite. "Alright, let's have it." I said. "You lucky dog you." Lloyd says, clapping my back lightly. I cock a brow "Cole and Jay saw you help the cutie and you left her place fifteen minutes after helping her with some bags." Zane says. Mom and dad smile "So, when's the date." Dad asks. I hang my head, nothing gets past any of the clan. "I'm taking her around Ninjago. She's only been in the city for a couple of weeks. I offered breakfast and lunch on me as well as showing her the sights of the city." I explain. "When, where, what time." Nya giggles. "Tomorrow, her door, nine in the morning." I say. Lloyd busts out giggling, I glair hard at hem.

The next morning, I get up, taking a shower and change. Going to the living room, Wu and father smile. "Take an umbrella, it's raining hard." I nod, grabbing mine from beside the coat rake. Grabbing said coat, I grab my staff. Walking out, wallet in my coat pocket, I flip the umbrella open. Coming to Haven's apartment, I lightly knock. She opens the door, stepping out and locks the door. "I got these, I didn't know what you'd like." I hold out a boucet of flowers. Haven smiles "You continue to surprise me. Keep it up and you'll be better than my ex." I smile "I respect a lady, shall we." I hold out my arm. Haven links her arm in mine and we go the the main door. "Oh, it's raining." She said. Slipping off my sensei coat, I place it around her. The shirt I have reviles the scars I carry. Her fingers grazed them, I watch as Haven looks at them. "I have my share." She rolls her sleeve up, third-degree burn scars on her arm.

"I got into a car wreak and the car burst into flames. Ever since, I've been scared of fire." Haven says. "Than, before we go any further, I need you to know something." Haven looks at me. "You know there's elemental masters right." She nods "One's the master of fire. I hope he's a good guy." Haven said. "I can assure you that he us, in fact, I'm hem." I prove it by lighting my hand. Haven stares at it, she touches the flames. "'s warm. A pleasant warmth." Haven says. "I have total control over it, I won't ever hurt you." I say. Haven steps beside me, she hugs into my side. "I trust you. Thank you for telling me. I'm ready for our date if you are." Smiling, unfolding the umbrella, we head out.

I show Haven the park around noon when she takes my arm. Looking at Haven, she gets a sheepish look. "Can we break for lunch." Haven asks. "There's a diner not far if you'd like." I offer. Haven nods, I take her. Coming to the diner, Dillon smiles, he takes my umbrella. Coming back and grabbing two menus, he takes us to a table. Pulling out Haven's chair, she sits. I sit across and I see my family, smiling. "What." Haven asks. "I see my families behind you. Three tables back." She looks, a smile on her lips. "Why don't we join them." She asks. "I'd like to meet them, more friends." Haven says as Greg comes for our drink order. "Greg, can we join my family over there." Greg looks, he smiles. "I'll ask, anonymous." Greg asks. "Please." Greg walks off to the table.

Lloyd's p.o.v

Sitting at our usual table, I wonder how Kai's dates going. Greg comes with our drinks, handing them out. "I have a fellow table who's two occupants would like to join y'all." Dad sits up, we often get fan's who sit with us. Dad nods, looking at the menu. Greg nods back, heading off. I'm looking at the menu when the chairs beside me move. Thinking it's the fans, I go shocked stuff when "Sup, little brother." I snap my head to Kai. The lady he's with sits beside hem. "Everyone, meet Haven Jackson."Kai introduces her. "Pleasure to meet friends and family of Kai." Haven says. Greg comes with two teas and gets our orders. Dad laces his hands together, "Has my eldest been treating you well. And have you had fun." Dad asks Haven. Haven pats Kai's arm "He's treated me like a lady should be, even got me these." Haven holds up a boucet of flowers. "And I have had fun." I lightly ponch Kai's arm, he hisses in pain. "Why'd you hurt your brother, his arms are burned." Haven right hooks me, and she hits hard.

"My arms aren't just burned, Haven. Three years ago, I was kidnapped by an old eneny. He held me for seven months. I tried to hold on but I only lasted three days. Even after Chen got what he wanted, he left me there. My brothers found me, and brought me hone where I spent the next eight months in a catatonic state. When I recovered, I trained to be a sensei for I no longer could be a ninja. Chen branded me, cut, bruned, wripped, and popped joints in and out. I forever bear bruises, scars, and last joint damage. I only have fourty-eight percent of movement in my joints." Kai explains.

Haven has covered her mouth "What sick man would do that. If any one should have gone through that, it should have been hem. But, you know what." Haven says. Kai and us look at her. She gently touches his shoulder. "Your stronger than you were. You could have let what happen break you, hold you back. But, you took what he did to you and turned it into something greater. I haven't known you for long, but, I can tell your a fighter. You fight everyday, cause I know how it feels. To be in pain, not knowing when it'll end. When your last breath will come. My father abused me, and I ran from home. The crash I told you about, was hem slamming the car into my bike. I was in the hospital for six months. My father serves life in prison. I moved here to get away, to live my own life. And, I thank you, Kai. You made my day yesterday when you helped me and even today, I've had fun. Thank you, Kai." Haven says. Kai smiles, dad grins. "I'm glad me son has shown you a great time. Maybe you'd like to come by the monastery some time." Dad says. Haven looks at Kai, my brother smiles and nods. We get our food, eat and spent twenty minutes talking.

Getting up, we head out. Kai retrieves the umbrella and unfolds it. Instead of them walking, dad offers to drive Haven home. She excepts and we clime in the car. Pulling up, Haven and Kai get out, they go in.

Kai's p.o.v

Stopping at Haven's door, she hands me my coat. "Thanks again for today, I had fun. Can we do it again sometime." She asks. "I'd like that. See ya around." I say. She nods, unlocking the door. Turning around, Haven leans up, kissing my cheek. "See ya around." Haven says, going into her apartment. Going back outside and climing in the car, dad drives.

"I'd say you hit it off." Dad said as he turns the corner. I smile, reaching into my pocket to fish my phone out. Feeling something other than the phone, I pull it out. It's a slip of paper. Unfolding it, Haven's name and number are on it. "You sly little dog. You got her number. Damn." Lloyd says, dad chuckles. "Good job, son. So, when ya going to call." Dad said. Pulling out my phone, I put it in and dial. "Was wondering if you found it. So, when's the next date." Haven asks. "How about a nice sunny day, mabey Wednesday." I ask. "I'd like that, well, it was fun. Thanks again, you know how to treat a lady. Night." Haven said. "Night. See ya Wednesday if it's nice." I say. "Will do." Her side clicks off, I switch the screen off. Lloyd has a look in his eye. "Shut it." He howls in laughter.

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