Noah sits down on the couch and nods. He looks between his mother and father and sighs.

"You guys know how I told you that Benjamin struggles with depression? Some things happened and he started taking pastillas that weren't his and...I'm just scared for him. I don't want his depression to win".

"Well, did he say why he took them?"

Noah nods, "He was just tired of feeling like he had no control...And feeling hopeless".

Selena furrows her brows, "No control...Of what?"

"Sintió que no tenía control sobre sus sentimientos. Sintió que nadie se preocupaba por él y que sus sentimientos eran una carga".

Selena frowns, "Ooh no. Poor Benjamín".

Noah nods and starts to tear up, "I don't know how to help him".

José wraps his arm around Noah, "Hey. You've been there for him this whole time. That's enough. You're doing all you can and that's the most important thing".

Selena walks to the other side of him, hugging his side. "Esta bien, mi dulce chico".

Mateo walks down the stairs, seeing the three of them hugging. He smiles before looking away and goes into the kitchen.

Selena hears him and looks over, "Mateo. Ven aquí!"

Mateo walks over and sits next to Selena who then hugs him. "Both of you are doing great. Okay?".

Benjamin grabs his phone, now in the bathroom of his dads' house as his parents were still arguing.


Noah smiles, "Hey, baby. What's up?"

"Still at my dads' house. They're arguing. I feel bad...I caused all this shit".

"It's okay, baby. Why are they arguing?"

"My dad wants me in rehab for a month but my mom doesn't want me. She wants me in therapy".

"What do you want?"

Benjamin bites his lip and shrugs, "...I don't know. I mean, I wanna get better but-".

"I get it, princesa. It's okay".

Benjamin nods, "So uh. What are you up to?"

"I am playing video games with Elly and Lucas...Which reminds me, can you call Jazmyne?"

"What why?"

"Elly told me she's freaking out cause she thinks you hate her for telling me about what happened".

"What? Why would I hate her?"

"Just give her a call when you, okay? She was really scared for you".

"Okay...I will-".

Anna knocks on the door, "Sweetheart? Your mother wants you".

"Okay! Noah, I have to go. I'll call you later".

"Okay. Bye bebesita".

Benjamin smiles and hangs up the phone, walking out the bathroom. He walks over to his mom, sitting down next to her.

"We've decided, you're going to therapy again. We've called your therapist and she's agreed to you coming back".

Benjamin nods, "Okay".

Damien, "But, I want you to spend more time here so...Twice a week, Saturday and Sunday, you'll be here with me".

"What? What if I have plans?"

"No! There are no making plans at the moment! We are concerned but you're also gonna be punished, do you understand?"


"Whatever? Really, Benjamin? You will be held accountable for your stupid mistakes!"


Damien looks over at Anna and sighs. Benjamin nods and stands up, "Great. I'm gonna wait in the car".

He storms out the kitchen, slamming the front door and gets into his mom's car.


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