His wings had grown a considerable amount as well. When he freed them from the two slits between his shoulder blades, they were large and golden. Shimmering particles flowing down from his wings with each languid movement.

They appeared to be fragile, but they were strong. Sturdy. Strong enough to carry extremely heavy objects with ease.

Ambrose bites his lip as he watches Magnus slip off his usual servant robes, changing into his pristine white garbs.

It wasn't that Ambrose's father made Magnus wear servant clothes. He was free to wear whatever he pleased. But he preferred to wear servant clothes because it was inevitable that he would soil them.

Or rather... Ambrose's little siblings would soil them. With their messy, calculated pranks that usually involved mud or water or other ungodly substances.

Once Magnus' robes are tied together at the waist with a long piece of twine, Ambrose reluctantly makes his way to the dining hall.

Magnus places his hand onto his young master's shoulder. Ambrose glances up at him, head tilting cutely at the larger man.

"I know you do not take orders from me," Magnus says. "And that it is the other way around. But I do hope that you will not cause your father any trouble tonight. He wants to show off his omegas to his loyal subjects. Show them how special you and your mother are to him. Make his chest swell with pride tonight, Master Ambrose. Make him glad that you are his offspring."

Ambrose's jaw sets, glowering at the door to the dining hall.



The dinner has been a success.

Ambrose has been on his best behavior, Magnus beside him the whole night. Bowyn proudly introduced his mate and son to Henry and Marie. Their eldest son, was nowhere to be seen. Having permission to step outside for some air on the balcony. He would not join the dinner party that night, after requesting space.

Bowyn agreed to allow him onto the balcony, knowing it must be a huge change to be back in his home country. To not be on a boat, traveling to the far ends of the world. Bowyn stationed a guard near the balcony so he would not get into any trouble. Other than that, it was like the boy had never stepped foot in the palace.

Ambrose set his delicate features into a soft polite smile throughout the meal, though Magnus knew that the boy longed to run from the room. Magnus knew that if Nobles were not present, the boy would have a scowl on his face.

After dinner, Ambrose decides to greet the mystery man. Excusing himself from the table and gracefully exiting the room.

Magnus follows close behind his young master, not willing to let the boy out of his sight. Ambrose was aware of his presence, not paying any mind to the Fae.

Ambrose follows the new scent up a flight of stairs and onto the main balcony overlooking the palace garden.

There, stood a man with simple but elegant clothing. He was not flaunting his wealth as the other Nobles did. He wore a modest brown overcoat, nothing special. Polished boots adorned his feet.

The man looks back, sensing Ambrose's presence.

The man had vibrant blue eyes that seemed to glow in the dim light of the lanterns. His hair was a chestnut brown.

There was nothing special about his face, he was painfully average. Nothing compared to the beauty that was Ambrose.

But something about the man intrigued Ambrose...

If he had only known what would happen within the years to come, he would have run.

Ambrose would have turned around and never looked back.

For what was to come, was terrible...

The poor boy made a mistake, going out onto the balcony that night.

What the boy would go through in the next three years would completely and utterly break him...

"Oh, hello. You must be his Highness, Prince Ambrose." The man says, bowing politely.

"My name is Johnathan..."

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