New year revelations part 2

Start from the beginning

I'm so clueless about what I'm going to do now but I just let myself relax and lean my body against the railing of the balcony and take comfort in the one thing that always brightens up my day; looking at the beautiful night sky...........

Talon POV

I barely made it out through the window, well at least I wasn't caught because it was a REALLY close call this time. BUT I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE IT!, I was sooooo close!!!, I had my strategies, tricks, everything! perfectly planned out in order for me to successfully complete this mission, but I just had to be stopped by that stupid Inspector Gadget!? It just doesn't make sense to me how the jewel slipped through my fingers because my evil hands literally just HELD the jewel?! GAAAAAAH! But I was stopped, just like that!; by that irritating Inspector Gadget,  UNBELIEVABLE!!!! This is seriously bad, not only because I really wanted this mission completed but mostly because Uncle Claw will Kill me when he finds out, I don't even KNOW what to expect from the claw wearing supervillain!!! And as if on cue, I *gulp* hear vibrations from my bracer and I'm pretty sure we all know whose calling. So I shakily click on the respond button and can't help but feel a little terrified.

"Talon! Have you completed the mission?!!!" He says basically yelling through my bracer with the idiotic Mad cat sitting at his side while purring with an evil smirk.

"Uncle Claw! So nice to hear from you again! Can't even bother to greet your own nephew?" I say with a wide smile hoping to take his mind away from the subject.

"This is no time for jokes Talon!!! Don't try to change the subject!, Where.Is.The.Jewel??!!!!" He says banging his clawed fist as usual. So much for changing the subject. *sigh* Well I guess I have to come out clean. This will not end well.

"You see, about that-" before I even finish my sentence he's already on me!!

"You didn't get my precious jewel of kru??!!!" And I can sense all the anger in his words.

"I did!, you saw me! But just before I could escape I was stopped by that bumbling Inspector Gadget!!!" I say.

"You imbecile!? How could you lose it from your claws?! You know just how important it was for me to get that jewel!!! You've jeopardized the whole mission??!!!" He says.

"It's not my fault! I could've done everything perfectly but I was foiled by Gadget!!" I defend myself.

"But you didn't, which is nonsense!!!, I wonder why I entrusted someone so useless to pull off this important mission!!???, the other Mad agents would have pulled this off with their eyes closed!!!" He spits out coldly. Well that stung; I'm out here risking my life and that means nothing at all to him?

"The other Mad agents wouldn't even have managed to remove it from it's box! The security is really tight here and I risked my life trying to steal that jewel because my crime case would be at Global level!!! Do you know what would have happened to your own nephew??!!!" I say trying to make him understand just how much I risked for him.

"That doesn't matter, getting the jewel was the first priority!!! And besides; no nephew of mine fails to complete a simple mission that would have made Mad stinky rich!!! And me the most powerful individual in the world!!! Your punishment will start as soon as you get back home, starting with the sharks and I'll see where to continue from there!!!" And with that he hangs up on me and the screen goes black.

Wow! He's so caring about my actual wellbeing. And Oh Great! Here I come shark tank! And I can feel all the sarcasm dripping in my voice. Like I said, that did not end well. And now I have more things to worry about than just my hair.......

Well now knowing what's gonna happen to me, I dont want to go to the Mad lair just yet. I was still by the castle; just not within plain sight and I was just rocket booting around the castle to get a better view of the place. Guests in the ballroom probably dancing, escorts relaxing and laughing about something that seems to be hilarious. Oh those dimwits better not be making fun of me! If I wasn't so wanted right now, I would have gone and punched their annoying little faces! The castle is generally huge and the scenery is amazing! I guess the emission of the 'supposed to be Mad's jewel' was the cause of the increase in beauty. It must be really powerful, though using it for the destructor 1000 was a bust, I admit that this use is way more cooler and prettier. Wait, what am I saying?! That doesn't sound very evil of me! But I am evil......I'm...just mature enough to appreciate beauty! Yeah!, that's it!

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