Chapter 11

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Aubreys POV.

I woke up the next morning wrapped tightly in someone's arms. I looked up to see it was Niall shirtless. Wow, he looks really good shirtless. He tanned body laying next to mine and he looked like a little baby sleeping. Who am I kidding, he always looks so innocent with everything he does. I could feel him waking him.

"Well good morning beautiful." he said in his amazing morning voice.

"Hehe, good morning Niall."

"I hope you slept good last night because I know I did." he said looking at me smiling.

"I did, but when did you get in bed with me? I don't even remember coming up here last night."

"Well you fell asleep on my lap downstairs and I started playing with your hair. I felt horrible of how you were laying so I brought you up here. You asked me to lay with you so I did." he said smiling.

"Well I'm actually glad I did. Your really comfy." I said giggling.

"Well thank you. Would you like to go get some breakfast?"

"I would, I'm starving." he laughed and we got up and headed downstairs. None of the others were awake yet so we made breakfast for us.

"How about some pancakes?" he asked.

"Sure Niall. But no food fights, I'm still a bit tired."

"Okay love. Why don't you sit down and I'll make them?"

"Okay Niall." I couldn't help but watch him as he made them. He looked like a perfect angel cooking pancakes.

"Hey Aubrey, I know your enjoying the view but will you get out the syrup." he laughed.

"Oh, uhm sure." I got up from the table and went and opened the door and I felt arms wrapped around me.

"Niall, what are you doing?" I giggled.

"This." he spun me around and kissed me. I was shocked at first but went with the kiss. All I heard was Liam and Zayn cheering and all I could do was laugh on Nialls chest.

"Well finally Niall!" Liam said.

"Oh shut up Li. I told you, I'd do it on my own time." he said as wrapped his arm around my waist again.

"So does this mean you guys are a thing now?" Zayn asked.

"Not just yet Zayn." I said. Niall shot me a look and I laughed. "You haven't took me on a date just us Horan." I laughed.

"Oh wow, way to be assertive Aubrey" Liam laughed.

"I've waited over a year for this kid to finally make a move, I wanna do it right"

All you could see was Niall eating his pancakes with a smile.

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