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// Fluff //


The doorbell rang, and Hajime sighed as he got up and went to the door. Outside was a package, and Hajime could only guess what it was, but bit his tongue and brought it in. The package was for his boyfriend, Nagito Komaeda, who lived with him. "Ko, there's a package for you!" Hajime called for Nagito to come. Nagito rushed into the room, looking the same as everyday, except maybe his hair was slightly more disheveled, but that's only because he was just in bed watching the Kardashians. 

Nagito quickly opened the package, revealing a plaque that said the word "hope" on it in neat print. At this point it was common knowledge that the white-haired boy was obsessed with hope. The only thing Nagito loved more than hope was his boyfriend, and even then it was close competition.

"Nagito that's the fiftieth hope plaque." Hajime said, staring seriously at his boyfriend, who has admiring just the word "hope".  "What can I do to make you stop?" Hajime asked, finally catching Nagitos attention. Nagito thought for a long moment, afterall his decision was important. What would bring him and Hajime the most hope? "Cuddles." Nagito finally responded. Hajime started at Komaeda blankly, before finally going to the bedroom to cuddle.

The moment they were laying in the bed, Hajime wrapped his arms around Nagitos waist and pulled him close. "Is this what brings you the most hope?" Hajime asked, now holdng one of nagitos hands (NOT JUNKOS). "Whenever I'm with you I aways have hope." Nagito responded, turning around to kiss Hajime.

They didn't speak anymore. Nagito rested his head on Hajimes chest. Hajime put his arms on Nagitos back. They lay down in comfortable silence, arms wrapped tightly around one another. Moments like these among the two boys were brimming with hope. Eventually they both fell asleep in each other arms. Their legs tangled together, arms around each other, Nagitos head on Hajimes chest, Hajimes head leaning against Nagitos. They both had work, but called in sick just to prolong their time with each other. They didn't mind, as long as they had each other. As long as they were together the world would still have hope. After all, they were each others hope.


373 words. This was written for my friend/gfs/wifes birthday! I'm sorry its so short! This is my first time writing a cuddling thing, so I'm not that good at it! But I'm actually really proud of this! I love their dynamic and really love the idea of them being each others hope! Thank you! I think I might write more komahina, since this was actually extremely soft and fun to write! I also got distracted by kokichis voice file when writing this.

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