• T h r e e • ☆ B a k u g o u ☆

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Tw: Suicide Threats, mentions of suicide

I got lazy on the title, sorry.

Izuku soon fell asleep. Shinsou watched as his chest peacefully rose and fell, wondering what this boy had gone through to make him so scared. He then made a connection. Izuku was scared of the loud boom of the fireworks, and Bakugou's explosions sound very similar to said fireworks.

"Bakugou," he spit the name with such venom, Eddie would have been impressed. (If you get this reference you're great, have a cookie 🍪)

The next day before Izuku woke up, Shinsou carefully navigated his bed in a way that he could get up without Izuku waking up, whom of which was curled up on Shinsou's chest.

Shinsou stood up and quickly out his uniform on. He then stomped down stairs to find the explosive blond.

"You," Shinsou spat, pointing at the blond, "are an awful human being. What. Did. You. Do. To. Him?"
"What the f*ck do you mean, you f*cking insomniac?" Bakugou retorted.

And just like that, Bakugou was brainwashed.

Shinsou dragged him outside and threw him on a bench.

"Tell me everything you've ever done bad to Midoriya," Shinsou commanded.

As the list went on and on, Shinsou's anger grew immensely. The thing that set him off the most was when Bakugou admitted that he had told Izuku to kill himself. He was horrified at all of the mentions of Bakugou attacking Izuku. By the time it was over, Shinsou was very tempted to snap Bakugou's neck. Eventually, he dropped Bakugou from his quirk.

"You are a terrible, awful, horrible son of a bitch, you know that? Did you ever think what would have happened if Izuku had killed himself. What would you have done then? You would have instigated a suicide, would you have been proud? Is this really how a hero-in-training acts? I can't believe that everyone calls me a villain when you are right under their nose. But hey, I guess being top of your class and being absolutely fucking terrifying to anyone who's a coward has its perks, right?"

And with that, Shinsou walked away.

When Shinsou reached his dorm, Izuku was just waking up.

"Oh, Shinsou," Izuku yawned, "you could have woken me up."
"Sorry, I just wanted to let you sleep a bit. I was about to wake you up, I think that blue haired guy made breakfast." Shinsou said.
"Oh, thanks. Iida's a pretty good cook, you'll probably like his food."

Izuku went over to his room to get ready. Afterwards, they ate and went to school.

Izuku was noticing something off about Kacchan. Bakugou never looked at him, or even spoke to him. Not one mean comment, not even a 'Deku'. Bakugou's friends had noticed his weird behavior as well, due to him being unusually calm and quiet. Bakugou wouldn't tell anyone what had happened. For once, he was scared.

Does Deku want to commit suicide?
Did he only live to save my reputation?
Is he scared of me?
What have I done?

These thoughts plagued his mind all day, stealing his attention. He barley paid attention, luckily, he already knew a lot of the stuff they were going over.

Later that night, Izuku and Shinsou were hanging out in the latter's room.

"Did you notice anything off about Kacchan today?" Izuku asked.
"Hm, he did seem quieter today. At least he hasn't been a giant asshole today."
"He... he didn't even call me Deku... it's so weird... maybe he got hurt. Do you think I should check up on him? I finally got his mother's spicy curry recipe, so maybe that'll make him feel better..."
"Maybe so..."
Why would he want to do anything for him?, Shinsou wondered, That Katsuki guy is a real pain in the ass, especially when Izu's so kind and forgiving. That stupid Pomeranian doesn't deserve a friend like Izuku!
"Do you want some, Shinsou?"
"Ah, no thanks. Not a big fan of spice."
"Alright then!"

Izuku smiled his signature smile and skipped down to the kitchen.

"Hey Deku, whatcha cooking?" Uraraka asked him.
"Oh, well, Kacchan wasn't acting like himself today, so I thought that he might be sick, so I'm making his mom's spicy curry. It's really good! I bought extra ingredients, just in case. Want some?"
"Oh, um, no thanks Deku, I'm not really good with spicy stuff. Last time I ate some I couldn't use my quirk for two days! I automatically got sick for some reason."
"Oh, that's fine, more for me and Kacchan I guess!"

When Izuku finished the curry, he took it up to Katsuki's dorm. He had put it in a thermos, just in case Bakugou wasn't in his room. He has also attached a note. He knocked on the door and walked toward Shinsou's room, when Bakugou opened the door.

"O.. Oi, Deku... Come here."

Being surprise by Bakugou's soft and broken voice, Izuku turned around. Bakugou invited him in and they ate the curry together in silence.

"Y.. You make mom's curry pretty good... thanks..."
"Oh, um, your welcome."
"Listen, Izuku, I just wanted to say I'm sorry. My mom sent me some photos of our childhood and it really got me thinking about where it all went wrong... I should have never treated you that way... quirk or no quirk... and... I realize that I'm a terrible person and I really hope you can forgive me..."

Deku hugged the blond, much to Katsuki's surprise.

"I was never mad Kacchan. I could never be mad at you. I'll admit, you weren't the best back then and I haven't fully recovered mentally yet, but I'm sure we can build trust between us again. It's just a matter of time."

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