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"Hey," Lindsey said, gently knocking against the open door of Stevie's dressing room as he leaned against its wooden frame, "I just wanted to let you know that the car is here. Oh, and it'll just be the three of us. Mick said something's going on with the twins and John promised Julie to take her out tonight, so..."

Stevie looked up at him through the mirror she was sitting in front of to freshen up her makeup after their show, "Oh, umm, that's okay." She smiled politely at him, even though she was honestly contemplating if she could actually stand to spend thirty minutes alone in a car with Lindsey, her ex-boyfriend, without starting a fight with him.

When Christine, their former bandmate had seen that Fleetwood Mac was coming to the UK, she had immediately called Stevie to make up a dinner date. Somehow, Lindsey had gotten whiff of it, and much to Stevie's surprise, had asked if he, John and Mick could join them since none of them had seen Christine in a while. Naturally, Christine had been elated and invited them all to have dinner with her in a small restaurant downtown. At first, Stevie had loved the idea. It had been years since the five of them had spend an evening together. But now, that she knew that the other two weren't coming, she wasn't so sure, anymore.

"So, umm, how much longer, do you think?", Lindsey asked, hardly trying to keep his voice under control as he pointed at her make-up kit. He really didn't want to start an argument with his ex, tonight, but Stevie's nature of always running late had always been a thorn in his side.

"Just a second.", Stevie said and reapplied her lipstick one more time before smacking her lips together and turning around to grab her coat and bag, "I'm ready. Just have to tell Karen we're heading out and she's off for the rest of the night."

Five minutes later, they were both sitting in the back of a black SUV and making their way into the city. Stevie was looking out of the window, watching the street lights passing by while her brain feverishly tried to come up with something to fill the silence with that had surrounded the two of them.

"So, how are the kids doing?"

"They're doing fine.", Lindsey said with a nod of his head.

When he didn't say anything else, Stevie sighed and looked back out of the window. If he didn't want to talk to her, sure as hell she wasn't going to force him to. But the silence was quickly disturbed by the sound of Lindsey's mobile phone going off. Curiously, he took a look at the name on the display. "It's Chris.", he said before accepting the call, "Hello?"

Stevie watched him intently, trying to understand what it was the two were talking about but Lindsey's short answers weren't giving her much of a hint.

"What did she want?", she asked promptly as soon as Lindsey had ended the conversation.

"You won't believe this but she basically cancelled.", Lindsey said and turned around to look at Stevie.

"Huh? Why?", Stevie wanted to know.

"She said she wasn't feeling well all day but didn't think much of it. That was until she threw up all over her kitchen floor.", Lindsey explained with a light chuckle.

"Oh, no...", Stevie slowly shook her head, "Poor Chris. She must be feeling horrible."

"She probably had too much wine, again.", Lindsey shrugged.

"Come on, that's not fair, Lindsey."

"But it's true."


"Hey, I'm not making this shit up, okay? John told me."

"John told you what exactly?", Stevie furrowed her brow.

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