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"I don't want to talk to you.", Stevie was quick to say before Lindsey could even come up with any words and turned to close the door in his face, but he managed to slip one foot between the door and its frame. It hurt terribly, and Stevie didn't seem to feel bad for him in the slightest, when he hissed loudly and rubbed the spot she had just bruised.

"Stevie, please, don't be like this.", he said and limped after her inside the room.

"Like what, huh? An angry whore?!", she asked and turned to face him, "And what about me not wanting to talk to you did you not understand?!"

Lindsey sighed, then slumped down on the nearest chair to cover his face in his hands. "Did you listen to what John and I talked about?"

"No.", Stevie said and folded her arms in front of her chest, though it was only partially true. She had heard bits and pieces but it had not made any sense until she had opened the door and saw who was sitting in front of it.

Lindsey looked up and as he took a close look at her face, he could see that she had been crying. Judging by the red color of her eyes, probably for hours. The way she was now keeping her guard up, only confirmed the feeling. This was typical for Stevie. Years and years of being an independent successful woman had turned her into a real fighter who knew exactly what she wanted. She was strong and barely ever showed off too much of a weakness. Because of that, she had been called a cold-hearted bitch more than once in her life but she honestly couldn't care less.

"I don't want to do this.", Lindsey said.

"Do what?"

"Argue. I didn't come here to fight with you."

"Oh, really? What did you come here for then? To fuck? Am I not making it convenient enough for you? Wait," she reached for the sash of her robe to untie it and rip the piece of clothing off her shoulders, showing off the flimsy negligee she was wearing underneath, "I'll make it easier."

Lindsey was shocked as he watched her, then turned his head to the side and averted his gaze, "Stevie, no. Put that robe back on."

"Why? You don't want me, anymore?", she asked, challenging him when he looked up and their eyes met.

"Of course, I do. But not like that."

"Then, please, enlighten me, Lindsey. How do you want me?!"

And there it was, again. The question he didn't really know how to answer. Or maybe he did, but was afraid of the outcome of it. Whatever it was, Lindsey obviously didn't reply quick enough for Stevie's taste as she walked back to the door, ripped it open and started yelling at him, "Out! Get the fuck out of here!"

Lindsey shook his head, "No."

"Oh, yes!", she said, her anger boiling over as she nodded vigorously, "Leave right the fuck now!"

But again, Lindsey only shook his head before he stood up and walked up to her. With enough force but careful not to hurt her in any way, he closed the door again, before pulling her into his arms. She put up a fight, squirmed in his embrace, even hit him in the chest a couple times, but she quickly gave up and just let him hold her before bursting into tears, once again. She hated how weak she became whenever he showed this tender, loving side of himself, but no matter how hard she tried, she never seemed to be able to resist him.

When he was sure she had calmed down a little, he pressed his lips against the top of her head and muttered in a soft voice, "I am sorry. I really am. I'm not lying to you when I say I didn't mean those words the way they got to you. And I wasn't lying to you either, when I told you about my marital problems. Kristen and I do have issues, a whole lot actually, it's just... I've gotten myself into a situation I did not expect to ever find myself in. I know this isn't easy for you, but it's not easy for me, either, Steph."

Stevie slowly lifted her head up from having the side of it pressed against his chest for a while and looked up at him with big vulnerable brown eyes, "Do you have any idea just how cheap you made me feel with those words? It may be true that you didn't really think them through but they were said, nevertheless."

"And you think that your reaction about Mick finding out about us made me feel better?", Lindsey asked. He tried to keep his voice calm, hoping to keep Stevie from yelling at him, again.

"What are you talking about?", she asked, clearly confused.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit! Mick's gonna kill me. If he knows, I'll never hear the end of it?", Lindsey quoted her words from only a couple hours before and furrowed his brows, "That wasn't exactly nice, either."

Stevie bit down on her bottom lip, then sighed and slowly shook her head. As much as she hated to admit it, Lindsey was right. "I didn't..-"

"..think about it?!", Lindsey finished her sentence.

Stevie nodded in defeat.

"See? That's what I was talking about.", he explained, "Unless you and Mick.....?", Lindsey trailed off with a certain look in his eyes.

"Oh no, god, no!", Stevie was quick to say when she understood just what exactly he was referring to, "That isn't a mistake I would make twice."

Her answer seemed to satisfy him to some degree, though he replied with a furrowed brow, "And I am a mistake you made twice?"

Stevie smirked, "Well, first of all, as you and I both know, I did you a whole lot more than just twice, Linds."

"And second?", he dug deeper.

"You're not a mistake.", it was barely a whisper.

"Say that, again.", he demanded, his hold on her tightening ever so slightly.

"You're not a mistake.",  Stevie repeated, louder this time. They were both staring into each other's eyes almost as if hypnotized, still entwined in the middle of her suite, waiting for something to happen. Lindsey gave in first, both his hands cradling her face in a sudden rush before taking her lips in a fierce hungry kiss. Stevie didn't fight him. As if she had waited for it to happen, she parted her lips and responded eagerly to the way his tongue was now brushing against hers, his lips not losing contact with hers once, as he walked her backwards until she could feel herself pressed up against a wall.

"Tell me, I'm the only one," Lindsey said, "Tell me, there is no one else but me."

For a second, Stevie was slightly confused by his words. Didn't he know that? Had she not told him after their second night spent together that there had been no other man in almost ten years? Was this game just turning him on or was that some real insecurity surfacing for the first time?

"There is no one else.", she replied, nevertheless, trying to block these thoughts out. "Only you."

Her answer seemed to intensify the mood he was in even further, as he entwined their fingers and pinned both of her arms up above her head. Only seconds later, he was kissing her in that way again, that made her weak in the knees. God, why did this have to feel so good every single time?

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