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Later that same night, Stevie slipped into her nightie after she had just taken off her make up and applied some face cream onto her skin. It was already past three in the morning, at this point, but still too early for her to actually fall asleep. She had planned on spending the rest of the night writing down what had happened the past two days. Maybe she would even be able to put the words into a poem someday. During their recording sessions for 'Extended Play' a couple months ago,  Lindsey had actually warmed her up to the idea of making a full new record one day. Even though, she had been forced to stay at his house with his wife and kids for a longer period of time, a situation she usually tried to avoid, she had enjoyed the creative process and working with him, again.

Stevie was just about to crawl into bed when there was a knock at her door. She knew it was him before she had even gotten the chance to take a look through the spyhole. "What are you doing here, Linds?", she asked, without even opening the door.

"Will you let me in?", she could hear him asking, his voice slightly muffled.

"I don't think that's such a good idea."

Lindsey sighed, "Can you open the door at least? Just for a second, please?"

"What for?"

"Steph, come on. Don't let me hanging like this. I doubt that I did anything to deserve this kind of treatment."

"Fine.", Stevie muttered and unlocked the door. She leaned against its wooden frame and looked him up and down. He had already gotten ready to go to bed, as well, only clad in a pair of dark blue sweatpants and a white tee. Even in this type of clothes, this man was still absolutely irresistible. "What do you want?"

"Is this really how you want this day to end?", Lindsey asked with a sad expression upon his face, "With you giving me the cold shoulder? Really, Stevie?"

Stevie sighed, "No."

Lindsey could see that she was actually having a really hard time battling her feelings. Her eyes were focused on her feet while her nails dug into the wooden surface of the doorframe. "Can you look at me?", he asked softly.

Stevie shook her head, her teeth sinking into her bottom lip.

Without thinking twice or waiting for another type of reaction from her, he stepped forward and pulled her small body into his arms. "It's okay.", he whispered, his lips pressing against her forehead while the door closed gently behind him.

For a moment, Stevie just held onto him, or more likely, clung to him, before she placed both hands on top of his chest and pushed against his hold. "This cannot happen, again.", she said and tried to free herself out of his embrace.

"We can't even hug, anymore?", Lindsey asked.

"You know where this is leading.", Stevie replied and stepped away from him, her arms wrapping around her own body, instead.

"I didn't come here to have sex with you.", Lindsey said honestly.

"Then what did you come here for?", she asked, her eyes finally meeting his.

"I..-", Lindsey stammered

"Yeah? I'm listening."

"I wanted to see you. Needed to see you.", he admitted. God, why did he always have to become so weak in her presence?

"We just spent the whole day with each other.", Stevie said.

"I know. It's just.. god, how do I say this without sounding like an idiot?", he said and slowly shook his head.

His words caused Stevie to smile melancholically.  He could be such a fragile beautiful soul if he wasn't trying to be a pain in her ass all the fucking time. "Just say what you want to say. I doubt I'm going to think you're an idiot."

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