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Thirty minutes later, Stevie was cursing under her breath as she walked down the hotel corridor to pay Lindsey a visit. After his call, she had sat in the tub for another ten minutes, calling this man every name under the sun, until she had gotten up to dry herself off, apply some light mascara and lipstick, fluff up her hair and throw a low-cut dark red blouse over a pair of black pants. She was definitely going to give him a piece of her mind, right now, but she sure as hell was going to look incredible when doing so, as well. Without thinking twice, she knocked at his door, her banging only getting louder the longer it took for him to open up.

"Stevie?", he sounded genuinely surprised when he stood face to face with his very agitated ex-girlfriend, all of a sudden. She didn't look amused as she eyed him up but entirely too sexy at the same time, as Lindsey quickly noticed. He swallowed hard, trying his best to not let his eyes linger for too long on the very low neckline of the semi-transparent colorful blouse he had never seen her wear before, and that showed way too much of the matching dark red lacy bra she wore underneath. Damnit, she looked smokin' hot, especially now, that she was clearly angry with him, her long blonde hair wild and curly, her cheeks slightly flushed, and that certain glint in her eyes that let him know he was in real trouble.

"What the hell did you not understand when I said I can't come over, huh?", Stevie hissed to make a point without letting the whole floor know what was going on.

"And still, here you are....", Lindsey couldn't help but smirk.

"Oh, you.....-", she didn't even find the right words to express her anger about his smugness. Lindsey grinned and stepped aside so she could enter his suite to finish their conversation inside. As soon as the door closed behind them, she turned around to start yelling at him, "I swear I'm going to lose my mind because of you. You are impossible, Lindsey. Impossible. Do you hear me?"

"Loud and clearly, my dear.", Lindsey replied and sat down on the couch in the living-area to watch her pace back and forth, a wide grin upon his face as he allowed himself to be showered with abuse.

Stevie, on the other hand, was so occupied with insulting him that she didn't even recognize just how happy Lindsey was that she had actually come around, even if it was just to have a screaming match with him. "...and you are so pathetic. All this bullshit about needing me and wanting me. Do you actually think I'd fall for that?! Just how desperate do you think I am, huh?" When Lindsey didn't answer her, she turned around to take a look at him, only to find him with a smug smile upon his face he tried really hard to hide from her. "Oh, fuck you!", she yelled and threw one of the pretty throw pillows at him.

Lindsey caught it last minute before he erupted in hearty laughter, "Oh, Steph!"

"No," she tried to make a point and be serious, "This is not funny, Lindsey."

"Oh, but it is.", he said and couldn't stop laughing.

She glared at him with an open mouth. The fact that he wasn't screaming back at her was a disadvantage for her. For the first time in a long time, she had no idea how to react because he was acting quite different from usual. "I gotta go...", she muttered under her breath, all of a sudden feeling extremely embarrassed for her outburst, before she turned around to walk back to the door.

"Stevie, wait.", Lindsey was faster than expected and pulled her back against him, his smile quickly fading when he noticed the tears in the corners of her eyes. "No, please, don't cry.", he said softly and enfolded her in his arms, her back pressed against his front. She tried to fight him for a second but quickly gave up and just held onto him. "I'm sorry.", he whispered into one of her ears, "I know I'm not being fair to you but I wasn't lying when I said I needed you."

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