The Way She Cries

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"Really, you're bringing Mickey bickey?" I said with a groan.

"It's not like I had a choice! He more or less invited himself!" the Doctor argued back, throwing his arms in the air.

We were in the console room while Rose and Mickey were packing their things at their Earth home and bringing it onto the ship. Even though I can tolerate Mickey and Rose, I have a feeling that Rose doesn't like me. It doesn't matter, however. I can deal with humans.

"Any ideas on where we can take them next?" the Doctor asked, leaning against one of the pillars in the console room.

"I really don't know. Probably somewhere stupid. Any place that we take Mickey bickey will blow his mind straight to Endor." I said sarcastically, earning a chuckle from the Doctor.

"Why do you call him Mickey bickey?"

"Because he bickers all the time. Kind of a jab at the big ol' red button he has. It pisses him off." I said laughing a little bit.

"Hey now, that's a little mean."

"I mean, what doesn't hurt him makes him stronger, and stars are aware that he could be a little stronger." I said.

Both of us start laughing when we hear both Mickey and Rose enter the TARDIS. Mickey takes a good look around the TARDIS and stares in awe. Man, if he thinks that the Doctor's TARDIS is cool, wait until he sees mine. Oh wait, I shouldn't inflate my ego more than I should. I'll just keep my mouth shut.

A couple of flips and buttons and other switches later, we land three thousand years into the future on some spaceship that seemed to be abandoned. It was interesting because the TARDIS was able to get a reading of the ship and it seems to be in full power. But no life readings on board. Time to investigate.

We all exit the TARDIS onto the spaceship and Mickey bickey looks around with stars in his eyes, looking at the different mechanical parts of the ship. Meanwhile I was going through my head through all of the different parts of the ship that I had learned at the academy. The rotor, the clutch, everything was there, and all in perfect condition. Scattered, but in perfect condition. But something was off. Why would there be no life readings on the ship and the ship is in near perfect condition?

Then my mind clicked. There must be robots on this ship to maintain and clean. That's why there are no readings on this ship, but who is controlling the robots?

"It's a spaceship. Brilliant! I got a spaceship on my first go." Mickey breathed out.

"Looks kind of abandoned. Anyone on board?" Rose asked.

The Doctor butted in, "Nah, nothing here. Well, nothing dangerous. Well, not that dangerous. You know what, I'll just have a quick scan, in case there's anything dangerous."

"No need. All robots, no life. But try and figure out what is controlling the robots." I said to the Doctor, and he scuttled off to go find the robots and make double sure that there was nothing on the ship that was dangerous.

Rose looks around more, "So, what's the date? How far have we gone?"

"About three thousand years into the future, give or take. Fifty first century. Diagmar Cluster, you're a long way from home, Mickey bickey. Two and a half galaxies away to be precise." I said, and they looked at me with eyes like saucers.

Rose was talking to Mickey while looking out a clear window to the space around the ship. Meanwhile I went to go try to find the Doctor and see what he was up to.

I saw the Doctor hunched over a monitor, trying to read the ship. I went up behind him and said, "All the warp engines are going. Full capacity. There's enough power running through this ship to punch a hole in the universe, but the ship itself isn't moving. So where's all the power going?"

"And look, we've got a bunch of cowboys in here. Tons of repair work that has been going on. No life readings on board." the Doctor said.

"We've established that."

"Oh I know, I'm just thinking out loud. Where is all that power going? If they internalize it..." the Doctor said.

"Then it would rupture the motor brakes and punch a hole through the universe, losing a couple of humans in the process." I interrupted, and referred to the two dinguses that are travelling with us. We would lose our lives in the process too, because I'm pretty sure we can't regenerate from something that big.

The Doctor sniffed around, "Do you smell something?"

"Like something cooking. Like meat. But there's no life readings on board." I said, slowly coming to the conclusion that whatever life readings were on board are no more. That they made their way into the ovens.

I looked at the Doctor, "We need to get out of here, now."


"Why else would there be no life readings on board, but all of a sudden we smell a Sunday roast? Where do you think the crew went?" I said.

The Doctor slowly came to the conclusion and his eyes went wide, "We need to find Rose."

We ran to where the two were standing, and they were just looking out the window when we saw them.

"What are you on about?" Rose said, noting our slight breathlessness.

I grabbed both Mickey and Rose's arm, "We have to get out of here, now."

"Why?" Mickey complained, straining against me tugging on his arm, "We've only just gotten here!"

Somehow in that whole commotion, the Doctor slipped on his own feet and ended up pushing one of the buttons on a nearby console, causing the door behind him to open.

All four of us stop and look at the now ajar door. I have a gut feeling that I need to make sure that there is nothing bad going on.

The Doctor seems to have the same idea, because he immediately starts for the door, entering the room and turning a bit before stopping in his tracks. He must've spotted something.

I let go of Rose and Mickey's arm and followed the Doctor, just to see what exactly he was seeing. I was not disappointed.

"Well, there's something you don't see in your average spaceship. Eighteenth century. French." the Doctor says, crouching down to get a closer look at the fireplace that wasn't exactly a fireplace. It was a hole looking out on actual eighteenth century France, "Nice mantle. Not a hologram. It's not even a reproduction. This actually is an eighteenth century French fireplace. Double sided. There's another room through there."

"I think we found our hole." I said quietly, casually mentioning the literal hole in the wall.

Rose looked out a porthole next to the fireplace, which was showing glimmering stars and the beautiful cosmos, "There can't be. That's the outer hull of the ship. Look."

I look out and then look back at Rose, "When me and the Doctor were walking around the ship, we found out that there is way too much power to have the ship just stay in one place. Naturally, that power has to go somewhere, and I think we just found the source."



Hello my lovelies! I am so so so so sorry for not posting recently. I am in college and it is kicking my butt! I have also been dealing with a lot of personal issues that required me to be away from the computer and focusing on myself. I am going to try and make it up to you guys with this update, but stay tuned for more!

Also, HOLY CRAP! I come back on and see that I have over 12k views and 500 votes! I am so deeply humbled and very appreciative for all the support I've gotten over the past couple months. Thank you for making this the best place to be!

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