The Way She Kisses

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3rd person P.O.V

    The Doctor, after talking to Sarah Jane and saying his final goodbyes, went back into the TARDIS. He dropped Mickey and Rose off at the Powell estate so they could get a couple more things to bring on the adventures, especially more clothing. The Doctor went down to Mel's room to check in on her. Last time she had a panic attack, it scared him so much that he thought that he was going to lose her. The thought of losing her again pained him, especially since he just found her once again. He knocks on the bedroom door of Mel, just in case she was changing or what not. After not hearing anything, he creaks the door open to see a peaceful sleeping Mel in the bed. He smiled and went in the room, closing the door behind him. He turned on the night light, which consisted of a projection of the Medusa Cascade. It lit up the room in the wake of the stars and clouds of gas. Mel stirred in her sleep, and the Doctor sat right next to her on the bed.

    He moved a strand of hair out of her face, almost drinking in her facial features. He had always liked being around her, ever since he met her in the academy. Mel's eyes blinked open, and her eyes focused on the Doctor who was sitting right next to her.

    "Hey, how are you feeling?" the Doctor said sweetly.

    "I'm fine." Mel said with a hoarse voice, "I'm just fine."

    The Doctor sighed, "No you're not."

    "What do you mean?"

    "I know that you aren't fine." the Doctor said, with a sad look on his face. He took his hands in Mel's, "Do you feel comfortable telling me what is going on?"

    Mel sighed, "I don't know what happened. All of a sudden, I couldn't think and breathe. It was terrifying."

    The Doctor nodded, and gave Mel a reassuring squeeze on her hands.

    "It was the thought of the Skasis Paradigm. The fact that I was solving it. It scared me how much power that code held. I thought back to what I could've done." Mel explained, her voice cracking as she thought back to the war. The war that changed her life.

    "I know. I thought of it as well. All the children we could've saved, all those people." the Doctor said, a tear dripping down his cheek.

    Mel reached up and wiped the tear away, and cupping her hand in his face, "The fact of the matter is, even if we did have the power to change it, I don't think I could mentally handle the fact that I could keep going. I could save much more than just our people. I could save galaxies. But that amount of power, even in the right hands, manipulates the mind. I am a good person, but I could easily take that power to a whole other level."

    The Doctor nodded as she explained her perspective, "I completely agree, even if we were to solve it, there would be many species that would be after us in order to gain that power. We would never be safe again."

    They embraced in a warm and tender hug, holding each other like it was the last time they would ever see each other again.

    Mel was the first to speak, "Even if I could go back, I don't think I could. They were too pompous for me."

    The Doctor chuckled, "Yes, they sure were."

    Mel lifted the covers off of herself and stood up, "Well, I think my mind would favor a nice cup of Lemon and Ginger tea. What about you?"

    "That sounds wonderful." the Doctor said, and lifted himself off of the bed. The two of them walked to the kitchen together where Mel made a pot of boiling water while the Doctor looked for the tea stash in the cupboards. They made themselves a cup of tea each and headed back into the center console room, sitting and talking about life. They talked about mechanics, time vortex physics, and overall science of space. They talked for hours upon hours, and both of them were smiling as wide as they could. Being in each other's presence uplifted the mood of the room, even disregarding any bad experiences they had before.

Mel stood up from the Captain's seat, "I think I should go back to my TARDIS now. I miss my baby."

    The Doctor looked disappointed that she was leaving, but reluctantly agreed to take her to her TARDIS, "Alright, but you promise to come back?"

    "When wouldn't I?" Mel jokes, and plugged in the coordinates to where her TARDIS was parked. But she was told to step back, because in his words 'It's not your TARDIS'.

    They materialized to where the only other TARDIS in the universe was, and Mel stepped out into the cool autumn air. She breathes in the fresh air and then heads over to her own TARDIS and unlocks it. Just before she steps inside, she takes one more look at the Doctor, who is standing in the doorway of his own TARDIS.

    "You know, you can always take a trip with me as well. Just ourselves." Mel says, and steps inside the control room, just waiting for the Doctor to follow her. She had a pretty good idea of what his answer would be. Just as predicted, she hears him enter the control room.

    "Well, I suppose one trip wouldn't hurt." he says, and walks towards you.

ell, I suppose one trip wouldn't hurt." he says, and walks towards Mel.

    He cups his hand in her face, and leans in, placing a tender and sweet kiss on her lips. Their eyes close, and Mel's face becomes inflamed in a red blush. It was like fireworks went off in her stomach, how long she waited for this to happen again. The dreams that she had, the hopes that she held close and dear. All of them lead up to this moment.

The Doctor quickly backs away, apologizing, "Oh stars, I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry. I don't know what came over me, I shouldn't done that without asking you first, I'm so sorry, I--"

He was interrupted by Mel kissing him, this time with passion.

How long she had waited...

Too long.

They broke apart, the Doctor's face crimson as the Time Lord robes.

Mel was the first to speak, "I hope you didn't mind that."

The Doctor hesitated, and then spoke in a quiet whisper, "I have waited so long for that. Ever since I laid eyes on you in the academy, I felt something. Something that just felt right. Almost like I was complete when I was around you. Like nothing else in the universe mattered. Almost like we were...:"

"Soulmates." Mel finished for him, "I felt the same way, the feeling of being whole, like a part of me wasn't missing anymore. I found my purpose in life, and I am hoping to the stars above that you would feel the same. I just hoped that I would be able to find you again, and the stars must've aligned."

"The only two left." the Doctor said, and he went over to the control console and started stroking the levers, "We are the only two left, Mel. I should feel like I am in complete isolation, that the only way for me to cope is to put on a mask and show those who looked like Time Lords the universe. So feeble, so fragile, and yet, I tried to be the opposite. I tried to be strong, I tried to have the upper hand. Sometimes, everyone breaks. Whoever you are, it doesn't matter if you are the only one for a million light years, if you have someone right by your side, you feel purpose in your life again."

Mel went up to the Doctor and held out her hand for him to take. He takes her hand and she brings him closer to her and grabs hold of his other hand.

Mel turns to a soft whisper, "No matter what we go through, no matter what you do, I will forgive you. Because I love you, Theta."

"I love you too, Melaka."



Thank you guys so much! I literally have so much homework that when I came back, I had nearly 2.5k views and 95 votes! You guys are the literal best! Human anatomy and biochem and sociology are really kicking my ass, so I appreciate everybody's patience. You all are absolutely amazing!

Stay strong for me!

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