The Way She Lives

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Time. It was a beautiful and dreadful thing at the same time. It was a thing that ordinary people would relish in the absolute madness that it could bring. To be initiated into the academy, one must look into the untempered schism, basically a small hole to look directly into the time vortex. The Doctor was one of the people who ran away, the Master was the one to go mad from it, but the Mechanic was a different story. She was inspired by the pure power of the time vortex. She wanted to know how she could mess around in it, and so, she based her work around TARDISes.

The TARDIS is a beautiful thing to imagine. Such raw power, yet such personality. It is a machine much different than any other space or time ship, it was a ship that connected to you. It connects both of your cores, so much so that you would feel lost without it. Mel felt absolutely astonished by this, so tinkering around in the TARDIS was a common occurrence for her. Usually, until she needed to refuel and recalibrate the TARDIS. Then she was stuck on Earth for years.

Until she found the Doctor.

Only then did she truly feel liberated.

The Doctor was laughing alongside the Tylers and Mickey, popping the crackers and wearing the paper crowns that were inside them.

The Doctor pops open his, "Oh, that's yours." he gestures to Rose, holding a pink paper crown.

"It's pink! Mum, it should be yours!" Rose laughed.

Mel was outside, and it started to snow. She goes inside her TARDIS, which is now camouflaged as a door in the alley, and proceeds to head to her own wardrobe. She grabs a long black coat that was best suited for winter. Even though Time Lords have an internal temperature that is much lower than humans and didn't necessarily need warmth, it was still nice to be warm in fashion.

She stands back outside to see the Doctor and the rest of the humans step outside, admiring the snow. But the Doctor knows what the snow really is, ash. The Doctor was explaining to Rose about the ship breaking up into the atmosphere and what the snow really is, and started looking around. If Mel was there during his regeneration, then she couldn't have gone too far away. If she was actually there, then they were the only two left.

Then they saw each other.

And they knew.

This was it.

The last ones alive.

The biggest grin came upon the Doctor and Mel, and they ran towards each other. Nothing in the world mattered anymore, it was just them. The world blurred around them. The snow brushed away from them as they ran towards each other.

And they embraced.

His arms wrapped around her, never wanting to let go, for the very thought of losing her again would be too much for him.

Tears pricked both of their eyes, and they collapsed to the ground.

"Peace be upon you." Mel finally said, however she was speaking a different language. Gallifreyan.

"And upon you, peace shall be," the Doctor replied back, "My stars I missed you. Mind you, I haven't said that in centuries."

"Centuries?" Mel jokes, "You're old."

"Yeah," the Doctor said, tearing up, "I guess I am."

They embraced once more, Rose coming up to the pair.


He looks at her, smiling as wide as he could, "Rose, meet Mel. Mel, meet Rose."

"We've already met," the two said, then looked at each other. Rose had a glare on her face, but for whatever reason Mel couldn't figure it out.

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