Chapt 21: Four... Just Four

Start from the beginning

"I can't change my colour..." 

"What?!" I shouted, surprised. "You can't- mph!" 

(Y/n) quickly covers my mouth, and whispered, "Shut up." 

We then looked around us and see, Inklings and Octolings looking at us. (Y/n) sighed and let go of my mouth, as they go back to their business. 

"S-sorry..." I apologized, as I search the back of my neck. 

"It's... alright..." 

"But... why couldn't you change your colour?" I asked him. 

"I don't know, Four. I was born like that..." He said sadly. "That's why no one accepted me... ever since I was born..." 

I felt sorry for him, he's the only person I know who can't change his colour and not accepted to out society. 

"I'm... sorry... that you have yo go through that..." I told him. 

"It's fine..." He sighed. "Now... anything else you like to do or go?" he asked changing the subject. 

"Oh... how about we go to Sheldon's store. I wanted to get some new weapons!" I energetically shouted. 

"Then let's go."

We then headed over to Ammo Knights and went inside. I then started to look around for the weapons I don't have, I just want to buy all weapons that I can use in a Rank and turf wars. 

"So, which one do you need?" (Y/n) asked as he moved beside me. 

"Well... I want... that... no, I want that... no... I want... all of these!" I shouted. 

"Um... that's... a lot of money you need to get all these..." (Y/n) said. "Plus... there's weapon better than some of them." 

"Well, I like weapons. And I want to have them all," I said. 

"You sound spoiled..." 

"I'm not!" I said angrily as I crossed my arms.   

"I said you sound spoiled. I didn't suggest you are spoiled," (Y/n) explained. 

"I know... But I don't like to be called spoiled like my younger sister..." I told him. 

"You have a younger sister?" He asked. 

"I do, she's a spoiled brat! She always wanted to be noticed by everyone and get want she wants, and she already has that! She just wants more!" 

"She... sounds familiar..." (Y/n) whisper to himself. "What is her name?" He then asked. 

"Oh, it's Ashly. She always puts her name on everything." 

He just nods, "Yeah... she dose..." 


Callie Pov. 

I was sitting outside of the cuttlefish cabin, with a sober Three. She was drinking last night and seems like she stumbled at the front of the cabin. I found her surrounded in beer, past out cold on the floor. 

"Ugh... I don't feel good..." Three groaned. 

"That's why we stopped you from drinking, two years ago," I told Three, as I hold her to keep her balance. 

"Shut up! I just... needed... to... things..." Three slowly said. 

I shook my head, as I sighed in disappointment. We're now once again have to deal with her drinking problem two years ago. This happened after her boyfriend cheated on her and Three caught him in the act. After that... she started drinking... a lot. 

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