Chapt 18: Not So Bad

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I was sitting beside Callie, who was reading a magazine, while Agent 3 is still knocked out on the couch. My head was processing all that information that just happen. Agent 8 has a boyfriend and it's 'The White Death', his name is (Y/n). But he also has another girlfriend, that girl who was behind him when 'The White Death', or now known as (Y/n),  showed up and took Eight from us. 

And now he has us 'hostage in this apartment'. It's not Eight's apartment, but someone else. I'm not sure what he'll do to us if we try to get out of here, but I rather not know. I looked over to the table where I see Eight eating breakfast across (Y/n), who wasn't eating but slightly smiling at Eight. It's weird to see this... monster... no just (Y/n) smiling, even slightly. I then lean-to Callie

"So... this (Y/n) guy, did he did anything to you?" I asked her, whispering into her ear. "Well... I don't think so. Maybe threating me, but that's all," Callie said. 

"That's it? He didn't... you know... r-rape you?" I asked her awkwardly. Callie turns to me surprised, "What?! N-no... he did not, I-I think..." She said, looking away as she spoke. 

"Well he better not, if he did I'll cut his Kraken," I said angrily. "Well so far he's been nice," Callie said turning back. "NICE!!!" I shouted surprised. "THE ONLY NICE THING HE DONE SO FAR IS NOT KILLING US!!!" I shouted at Callie all angry. I saw Callie lean back away from me, looking scared. 

I sighed, "Sorry... it's just... I want to protect you guys... after Gramps died... I felt like I need to take his place and protect everyone he loves..." I told Callie trying to hold back my tears. I then felt Callie's hand on my shoulder. I slowly look up to her and see her smiling at me. "I know Callie, I'll think Gramps will be proud," She told me. This made me smile a little. 

Eight Pov. 

I was watching Calle and Marie talking to each other after Marie shouted. I looked at (y/n) who was also watching them. "Gramps... that name sounded familiar..." He said quietly. 

"Well, Gramps was the leader of the Squid platoon," I told him. "He was?... what happens to him?" He asked turning to me. I looked down sad, "I-I don't know... he just disappeared one day... and never came back... the only thing that we found of him was... his hat..." 

"Sorry for asking that question..." He told me. "I-it's alright, you were just wondering," I told him. "I know," He said. 

Marie Pov. 

"So, what do we know of (Y/n)?" I asked Callie. "I don't know. From what we know, he's a rapist, murdering, meany, nobody, that is scary, feared, hated, throughout Inkopolis," Callie said. 

"Well, those are rumours, but he does hurt other inkings and octolings," I told her. "We can ask him," Callie suggested. 

"What?!" I said quietly. "I don't think that's a good idea. He will not answer to us, or he'll throw us out the window." 

"He won't hurt us, Eight won't like it when he does," Callie said. "Really?" I asked and Callie nods. "Huh, that's good," I said. I look back at (y/n) who was listening to Eight talking. 

Well, this is your chance, Marie... 


Marina Pov. 

I was helping Pearl with the new T.v after she broke her old one after losing a game of Super Smash Bros.

"Can you lift the T.v up hire?" I asked Pearl. "I can't lift that high!" She shouted while holding the T.v over her head. 

"Alright, put it down," I told her. We both slowly put the T.v down agaist the wall. I looked over to Pearl who was breathing heavy with sweat all over her face. "Sometimes, I hate being small," Pearl told me. I just chuckle, "You hate being small all the time," I told her. She looked at me with a frown, "Hey! THat's not true!" She lied. 

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