Ask 6

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This was asked by caliaadsit thank you for commenting and following!

Question: If Steven has Covid-19, can't you just use your healing power on him

Stephen: I was going to, but nobody let me near him. They said things like "Stay away, social distancing, and other things like he'll infect you". I don't know why that would be a problem since I'm a gem, and I'm almost immune to anything. I even told the doctors that, but they wouldn't even let me into the room to see Steven. And now he's in quarantine, and I have the burden of saying it's my fault for not helping him in time.

Stephen got another knock at the door and he went to open it, It was Garnet. She talked in her usual monotone voice while holding a letter before closing the door.

Stephen: Ok! I just got word that Steven is feeling a lot better but is still positive, so if he tests negative tomorrow, than he can come home after only one week!

Authors note

Thank you all for reading my other stories, I will try to update Breaking Point for Starting Over today. Thank you all for commenting! Goodbye!

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