Update 3 (Finale part 6) SAGA ONE FINALE

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Steven was laying in bed when he saw a bright light out of the corner of his eye. Stephen was reforming, and he backed away to give him space. His gem floated into the air and his body began to take shape. Stephen to the ground, landing on his feet without stumbling.

Stephen: ...Steven?...

Stephen ran to him and hugged Steven.

Stephen: Steven! I'm so happy to see you!

Steven: :) I'm glad to see you too!

They got out of the hug and kissed each other on the lips for a solid second.

Stephen: Lets not ever fuse again!

Steven: ha, yeah...that hurt a lot

Stephen: I'm so sorry for that! I wasn't thinking!

Steven: No worries, I'm fine now

The pull each other into another hug.

Stephen: Lets just take it easy for the next few days

Steven: Lets absolutely do that, I think we've done enough this past...20 Minutes

Stephen: Ha...I had to take over for your blog while you were gone

Steven: Awwww Stephen! You didn't have too!

Stephen: No no! Anything for my Steven!

They kissed once again, and the gems had just walked into the main room.

Pearl: Stephen! You reformed!

Stephen: Yeah, I guess I did

Amethyst: So uhhh what now?

Garnet (To the gems): Lets give them some space, they need each other

Stephen: Steven, I have to come clean

Steven: What is it?

Stephen: I didn't answer all the questions on the blog

Steven: Ahh that's no big deal, what do you say we finish those and then get some pizza

Stephen: Sounds good!

I just have to say, thank you so much for commenting, voting, and following. You all deserve some thanks. Don't worry, I will still update this story as much as I did the last week. This is just the end of the first saga. See you in part 2!

Ask Or Dare Split Steven And Stephen (Steven Universe)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora