it's okay

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Yohan went to the balcony. He saw Hayoung was at the back yard, sitting and looking blankly into the pond with coy fish

Yeonsoo-What are you looking at?
Yohan-Our daughter
Yeonsoo-*sighed* It must be bothering her a lot
Yohan-I will talk to her

Yohan went downstairs and then to the backyard. He took a seat next to Hayoung

Yohan-It is an empty stare

Hayoung was flustered by the voice that suddenly greeted her

Yohan-What are you thinking about?
Hayoung-Nothing much

Yohan stroked his daughter's head, caressing her hair dearly

Yohan-You can tell me everything dear

Hayoung began to sob

Hayoung-Dad *sobbed* I am sorry. I have failed you. I failed to be a good daughter
Yohan-You did nothing wrong. You never disappoint me. From the day you were born, there are only happiness. And I believe your child could mean happiness to you as well
Hayoung-You know?
Yohan-*nodded* Mom told me about it

Hayoung-Aren't you mad?
Yohan-No I am not. I believe you could have the child because... You know, you trusted him enough to let him do something to you
Hayoung-I can't see the happiness anymore. I..I feel bad. I hate myself. I thought he was a good man
Yohan-We do mistakes Hayoung
Hayoung-And my mistake was to fall in love with a guy who pretended to save me but he actually had bad intentions

Yohan-Enough. Wipe away your tears

Yohan wiped away the water on Hayoung's face

Yeonsoo-Hayoung! Jungkook is here. He wants to see you

They heard Yeonsoo shouted from the door face calling for her husband and Hayoung

Yohan-You have a guest

Hayoung and Yohan went into the house to meet Jungkook. After greeting each other, Yeonsoo and Yohan left them to be alone at the living room

Jungkook-Hey, how are you?

Hayoung-I feel much better

Jungkook-I am glad to hear that

Hayoung-Why do you come?

Jungkook-I want to take you out

Hayoung-Where to?
Jungkook-Han River Park. What do you say?

Hayoung-Jungkook I am sorry but I don't feel so well to go anywhere

Jungkook-*disappointed* Yeah. I forgot you are preg...

Hayoung-Maybe tomorrow!

Hayoung cut him off. She did not want to hear that word coming out from Jungkook. Jungkook beamed at Hayoung



Suddenly Yeonsoo returned to the living room to inform Hayoung about someone who came to see her as well


Yeonsoo-Doctor Han is here to do full check up on you

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