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Sehun only parked his car at the pavement of Director Jung's villa when someone called him. He blindly answered the call thinking it was from Jinho

Sehun-Hello, Jinho?

"Sehun, it's me"

But it turned out to be a call from his step mother, Yoona

Sehun-Oh. Sorry, I thought it's my friend. Why? Do you need money?
Yoona-No, it's not about money
Yoona-Dad. He is sick now

That was all he could respond

Yoona-Please come home, Sehun. Dad wants to see you
Sehun-Well, I'm not sure
Yoona-Sehun, please...
Sehun-I'm busy with work
Yoona-You really can't make time for your dad? A day? Or maybe half a day? It shouldn't be long, he just needs to see you and talk to you
Sehun-I... I'll try to make it when I'm free
Sehun-You told me the same three years ago too

He could hear clearly to Yoona's sob. That woman must be hurt right now. Pain after pain

Sehun-I'm sorry. I have to go now

Sehun pressed the button to end the call as soon as possible. He quickly got out from his car, to get some air. He did not think he was breathing inside

Sowon-Oh, I didn't see you have arrived
Sehun-*smiled* I would like to see Director Jung
Sowon-Come with me, sir

Sehun tailed the Sowon into the house. He was brought to Director's room

Sowon-Director, Mr Oh is here
Jisung-Call him in

Knock! Knock!

Sehun-Good evening, director
Jisung-Come in, young boy
Sehun-How are you feeling today?
Jisung-I feel older than yesterday

Sehun chuckled. He took a seat beside Jisung's bed

Jisung-How is the company?
Jisung-*chuckled* You are like my own son, Sehun. Only 'good' doesn't sound good to me

Sehun inhaled deeply and sighed

Jisung-It's okay, Sehun. Everything will be fine. I trust you
Sehun-Thank you, Director. Let me pour you some tea
Jisung-Of course

Jisung's two old eyes only monitored every moves that Sehun made

Jisung-Don't you feel like taking a break, Sehun?

Sehun immedietly stopped what ever he was doing

Jisung-Take a break. Go home and meet your family
Sehun-I... I don't have a family
Jisung-Of course you do. I know your father is sick now
Sehun-Then, what can I do about it?

Jisung-I used to want you to become me. But when I get older and dying, I regret my doings for all my life. I don't want you to regret it too, Sehun. You still have time. So find your way home
Sehun-I have lost it, Director
Jisung-Then find someone who can guide you

Sehun forced himself to smile. He didn't think he could continue talking about this topic anymore

Sehun-Have a good rest, director

Sehun drove back to his penthouse. His head was playing about so many things! The thoughts of his dad, Yoona's cry, Jisung's advice and the girl from Yerin's birthday party

"I don't want you to regret it too, Sehun"

Sehun threw himself into the bed. He exhaled heavily before closing his eyes. That was when all of his painful memories bombarded into his head


Sehun looked up at the photo frame of him and Yeonsoo, his beautiful temporary mother. The picture was taken on the day Yeonsoo took Sehun out to the theme park

Sehun climbed up onto his bed and picked up the frame. He hugged the picture close to his chest

Sehun-Mom... I miss you

He confessed, but nobody was listening. Nobody cared


His dad's voice was heard behind the door. Sehun quickly shoved the frame under his comforter when Sehyeong pushed the door open

Sehun-Da.. Dad
Sehyeong-I have to go out
Sehun-Ok.. okay
Sehyeong-*frowned* What are you hiding under your blanket?
Sehun-*shook* Nothing
Sehyeong-Don't lie to my face

Sehyeong harshly pulled the comforter, unveiling the photo frame underneath. He turned red when he knew Sehun was still keeping Yeonsoo's picture without him knowing

Sehyeong-What did I tell you about this woman?
Sehun-I... missed her. I want mom
Sehyeong-She is not your mom!

Sehyeong crashed the frame onto the floor. The glass scattered around

Sehyeong-Don't ever call her that again! She was never your mom!
Sehun-Mom loves me. She said that! *cried
Sehyeong-If she loved you she would choose to stay with us but no! She is married to that guy, and she is living her life while I am a mess here, and having you as a burden!

Sehyeong pushed his hair to the back. He breathed strongly

Sehyeong-Come here
Sehun-No! Dad, don't.
Sehyeong-I said, come here!
Sehun-I promise I won't do that again

Sehyeong dragged Sehun harshly out of his room. Sehun cried harder when his dad hit him with a cane

Sehyeong-If she loves you, she will be here and save you!

Sehun-Mom! Mom!

Sehun stirred up from his nightmare by his own scream. He gasped for air. He had sweat all over his face

Sehun-Oh shit

He calmed himself down, recovering from the shock. He looked up to the digital clock beside his bed. It was 2:00 in the morning and he didn't feel like going back to sleep or else his nightmare would come back hunting him down

Sehun climbed down the stairs to the kitchen at the first floor. He grabbed a glass and poured some water for himself. Sehun wiped the beads of sweats on his face. His shirt was wet too because he was sweating like hell. He decided to take a bath

Sehun let the cold water flowed through his body. He looked at his body's reflection in the mirror in the bathroom. The scars were still could be seen. From the cane, from the belt, they remained there. The longer he looked into them, the more he could feel the pain all over again

He walked out from the bathroom and went to his huge closet. He chose to wear long sleeve T-shirt because he wanted to hide the scars underneath

When Sehun returned to his bed, his phone was blipping. He found 10 missed calls and 2 texts from Yoona

From. Mama
0201 a.m. - Sehyeong keeps calling your name

From. Mama
0248 a.m. - He's gone


Hi everyone. How is this book so far? Do you like it? Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comment section. I would appreciate it a lot. See you!

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