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Hayoung-I didn't see this coming

Hayoung confessed, smiling coyly at Sehun's direction. They landed safely in New York and Sehun took her straight to one of the biggest flower farm at the outskirt of the city

Hayoung-What has been into you?
Sehun-Nothing. I just thought you love Baby's Breath
Hayoumg-You bring me here just so I can see Baby's Breath blooming?
Sehun-*shrugged* In a way
Hayoung-You are... Never mind. Thank you, I appreciate it

Hayoung could not hide her delight smile. She turned around and paced into the garden, leaving Sehun behind her

Her fingers ran through the soft petals of those scarlet roses

Sehun strolled slowly behind Hayoung. Watching her grinning endlessly made his lips curled into a thin smile as well

This day shouldn't end, he thought. He wanted to keep that smile for himself for as long as he lived. He could not imagine losing it. Not again

For the first time in some years, Sehun could feel his heart pounded at the rate it used to be. But this time it was into another level

He thought that maybe he fell in love. The real love. The love of his life

Oh Hayoung

And for the first time, for real, Sehun felt like he had someone worth to protect. He would not let any harm get to Hayoung. He would keep her by his side

Although Sehun's main goal was to destroy Hayoung's happiness, he felt like she was building a life for him instead. And he had a gash of thought about building it together with Hayoung

It was hard for him to express his feelings for Hayoung. But he hoped she recognized his effort

He would do anything for this girl. He wanted to give her something beyond from what world could offer. Because she truly deserved it

Hayoung-It is so empty today. Where is everyone?
Sehun-They have to go somewhere else because I booked this place today

Hayoung's mouth gaped apart in disbelief

Hayoung-Oh no, you did not do that
Sehun-Just wanna privately walk with you

Sehun reached out his hand to Hayoung and took her hand into his. He intertwined their fingers and dragged Hayoung towards the wide layout of dandelion field

Hayoung-Oh my God

Hayoung felt her heart pounded faster than ever. Sehun glanced back, smiling at her. Hayoung responded by smiling back at Sehun

This scene seemed familiar to her though. It felt like a deja vu

When did she experience this? Something similar to this

Sehun suddenly stopped, making Hayoung to stop as well. She frowned when Sehun had the audacity to stop at the very middle of the field

Every edges of the field seemed endless to Hayoung's eyes. She did not realize they had come this far


It was the dream

The flowers, the sky, the breeze. They were almost the same. But the difference was she saw Jungkook in her dream, not Sehun

And there was one more similar thing to her dream; the way her heart beat. Hayoung's heart pounded for Sehun was the same as how it beat for Jungkook

No. It was beating faster!

Sehun-Oh Hayoung?
Hayoung-*stuttered* Yy... Yeah?

Sehun-As you are my official girlfriend for 48 hours, I will not only be your special partner. But I will be your best friend, your cook, your lover...

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