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Leicester, England

The car slithered down the pavement of the EXO Mansion. Once again, Hayoung was amazed

Hayoung was dwelled by the luxurious look of the house

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Hayoung was dwelled by the luxurious look of the house. This man was unbelievably rich so no wonder every single girl wanted onto cling to him

But sorry, she was not one of them. Never!

Sehun-Bring her stuffs into the master room
Peter-Yes, sir

Hayoung-Why master room? It supposed to be your room, not mine
Sehun-Honey, it's our room

Hayoung felt disgusted seeing Sehun smirked like that, calling her honey. Eww!

Peter came back downstair and asked if he needed to do anything else. But Sehun said that would be all so he left already

Everything turned to be the same as they were in Korea. Cold and silent

Sehun-The food is ready at the dining room

Hayoung's eyes beamed in happiness upon hearing to food. She followed Sehun from behind and they ended up at the dining room. He was right, the food was prepared and only left to be eaten

Sehun sat down first. Hayoung had doubt whether she could eat with him or not

Sehun-What are you doing? Sit down. Let's eat
Sarang-Yy.. yes

Hayoung pulled the chair and sat down. She waited for Sehun to eat first before she started eating too. And of course, she ate as if there was no tomorrow. Really, really clumsy

Sehun-Slow down, Oh Hayoung. I feel choked instead

Sehun shook his head yet enjoyed watching Hayoung eating

Hayoung-You don't eat the curry?

Hayoung pointed at his untouched bowl. Sehun thought for a second before shaking his head. Hayoung asked if she could have it instead

He gave it to her without thinking any longer. To be honest, he was keeping the curry for the last. But it was okay

Hayoung-Thank you! And thank you for the clothes. Oh, and the pizza too
Sehun-Tch! You don't have to thank me. I just hate looking at those old clothes, they reminded me of my ex-es. And the pizza, it was a leftover from my office. No big deal

Hayoung responded bitterly. How could he be so honest? Geez

But actually he wasn't being honest. He was lying. Every single thing of it was a lie

Honestly, he bought Hayoung new clothes because he wanted her to look pretty in her own clothes, not someone else's

And he made a U-turn to Domino's Pizza, lining up for 40 minutes just to buy a box of pizza for Hayoung despite him being late to a meeting with the board directors

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