Lets begin

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"Okay how are we going to save my mother in law." Mom spoke.

Both mom and dad were pretty clueless since I went off and did all the work.

"The only lead we have is Hikari...." Kane said in a whisper.

Mother and Father were still confused. I guess we still haven't cleared up that yet.

"Mom... Hikari was the reason I went through all of this. I had a feeling we were in trouble when I saw her.. she would change faces and she looked like a threat. Then it lead me to Kuro and it was all crazy."

"Kuro? You never said anything about this." Luke got mad. Ah I guess I forgot and left him. I wonder what he is doing right now.
Wait..didn't he say he was looking for Gods's power....
I think I have that... oof...awkward.

"Well lets just say Kuro was a kid I met along the way..he helped me a lot. I met him when I was looking for Hikari."

"Looking for her?"

"Ya she left one night and when I went outside I saw him."
"Hmmm...Nashi sweetie have you ever talked to this man in morning?"

"No.. why?"

"Mom you don't mean." Luke looked up.
Mom just nodded her head.

Why the hell do smart people kept the information to themselves what are we supposed to do use our existing 2 brain cells for

"Excuse me!!" Both my father and I yelled.

"Oh right. We maybe thinking what if you have been talking to Hikari in the night."


"Like..what if in the night she turns into him."
"What?"my father and I tilt our head.

Luke face palms. "You guys are a lost cause. What we are trying to say is that Kuro and Hikari are one and the same people.

Kuro comes out at night and Hikaru comes out in the morning. It may be strange but it's safe to assume for now. I'd say when the real Hikari comes back we keep an eye for her. Then we can talk to Kuro."

I see that makes sense. Kuro isn't a bad guy I know that he's tried to help me so I feel like I can trust him. I mean he's our only lead.
*clank clank*

"Why do you seem so sad."

"Don't talk to me Zelora. You've cause suffering to everyone I love."

"Agatha...my dear sister don't get mad at me. He was only a human...what were you gonna do after he died. Cry about it for eternity. I only pulled you out of that delusion."

"Delusion!!! I loved him Zelora! And I still love him..you took away my husband...my children..my whole happiness!!"

Agatha got up from her bed and ran to him. He immediately grabbed her and threw her down.

"Sister. Please I didn't become exiled to return all weak. I have measures against Gods too. Why do you think I created God slaying magic."

Zelora stepped away and began walking. "The world will become mine and I will be the most power-fullest thing every to exist. I won't hurt you sister after all once everyone dies won't it get a little lonely."

"Your mad Zelora." Agatha scoffed.

"What are-" A sound was heard. "Ugh, what are you doing here...I told you to wait didn't I-"

Agatha got up and went to the bars she was locked up in.

"You...aren't the little girl." Zelora stated.

"No her names is Hikari by the way...and I'm Kuro..her other half." Kuro smirked.

"Hm, you are really annoying you know that. Unlike your sister, you aren't willing to listen to me. I'll wait till morning to speak to you."

Kuro crosses his arms, "You must love taking advantage of children. Your not going to win by the way.

Zelora looked at him with a glare. "What do you mean."

"Nashi and Luke will stop you."

"Who... exactly." Zelora laughed.

"Those twins will be your downfall. I mean they are already a step ahead of you."

There was a pause for a second and Zelora gasped.

"No. You don't mean they have the box do you!!!" Zelora lunged forwards to crap Kuro but his arms went through.

"Illusion magic it's pretty useful isn't it. My real body is already making a run, better catch up." Then Kuro disappeared.

"Damn children.." he sighed. "No worries, it's easier to injure and take from little children."

Agatha looked at him. "Don't do anything stupid they are just kids."

"I'll do what ever the hell i want."

Zelora walked to his desk in another room. "Nashi..and Luke.. Fairy Tail wizards. I'll come after your heads."

"No now let's begin."

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