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(Warning: blood and abuse in this chapter so you have been warned)

(Y/n p.o.v)
As soon as we arrived back to Mr J place, I got out of the car smilie and giggly

As I walked inside some of the goons were staring at me, some smiled and some just smirked, I did something bad and it felt amazing, it was such a rush and I am enjoying the hunt

I walk into Mr J room and look out of the city, a smirk came on my face! No wonder he stares out this window? To feel powerful! Get to a view of the worthless city

A door slams and snaps me back to reality

"What was that??" Joker storms into the room like a hurricane

And my innocent side comes back again, what?

"I did what you told me to do! I-I was doing what I was told!" I said playing with my hands and looking down at my feet

"ONE!! You could blown our cover and TWO!!! What were you THINKING??" He comes walking over into my space looking down on me

I raise my head and look into his eyes, my smirk comes to form and the devil is out to play again, what is happening to me?

"Maybe if you would stop playing with the money and realised that I had the boss drooling ALL over me!" I said pushing him a little bit and throwing myself on his chair and relaxing, kicking my feet up once again


I roll my eyes and jump out the chair and sit on the table infront of him

"Is someone jealous????"

- Flashback of Jokers -
"Is someone jealous??"

"Gabbey! You could of got hurt!! Never run off again!! Got it!"

"But he is helping to escape from Bats!!"

"I don't care!!! Your mine and ONLY MINE!!"


Gabbey screams and bends down to check the guy if he is still alive, but he was dead

Gabbey turns to me and looks me up and down


- End Flashback -

"I am not jealous!! I WILL NEVER BE JEALOUS!!!" He yells in my face

I giggle and shake my head at him

(Jokers p.o.v)
I don't know what is happening to me? Why this is bring back memories from Gabbey! But Y/n is doing the same thing Gabbey did before she went evil

"I am not jealous! I WILL NEVER BE JEALOUS!!!" I practically yell in her face

And she basically laughed in my face, I don't know why but is sorted turned me on a bit, Y/n laughed even harder which was making me mad at the same time

"What is so god damn funny?" I spat in her face

She walks over to me and slowly and stands right front of me, closing the space between us, moving her face closer to my ear sending tingles down my spine, inches away from my lips, I could feel her breathing on my neck making my hair on my neck stand up

"Can you stop complaining! And be glad we didn't get caught!"

She licks her lips in my sight and smirks at the end knowing that would effect me in way I couldn't imagine, the thinks I was thinking about doing to her was so cruel and intense

I look down at her lips and back into her eyes, she starts to lean in, there's that sound again!

The door slams open and one of my goons barge in


(Gabbey's p.o.v)
As I leave the Wayne's building, I was so scared for Y/n, that I wasn't watching where I was going and bumped into someone

"Oh my god! I am so sorry!" I said bending down picking up my bag that I dropped but before I could grab it someone already did

I look up to see a freckled, brown eyed, curled hair boy with the most amazing smile

"You dropped something!" His voice was deep but not as deep it was perfect, just like this boy

"Hello? You okay? You must of bumped your head really hard? Huh!" He's smile is perfect too, with two dimples

"Ahhh! N-No! I am fine and thank you!" I couldn't take my eyes off of him

"So am I gonna get the name of a beautiful girl?" He said handing me my bag

"Ahah I didn't even get your name and "beautiful" I am far from it!" I said taking my bag from him

Crap! Gabbey! Are you kinding me? This is your one chance to get a boy and your fucking this up

"Ahah okay! But what is your name? Because I asked first!" I am getting distracted, I need to save Y/n before it is to late

"Look I need to go! My friend is in trouble and I don't wanna see her go down the track I did!" I said about to walk past him when he grabbed my arm

"When will I see you again?" I look into his brown eyes, I think I just lost myself again

"S-Soon!" I said shaking him off me and walking off as fast I can, what am I feeling again

I shake the feeling off and walk to the Jokers place and bring weapons to take him on and take Y/n home before she changes

Get my guns and my swords and make my way there

(Jokers p.o.v)
I know straight away who it is and I know why she is here

"Y/n can you please go in my room and stay there until I say so!" She nods her head and walks seductively into my room, her ass in that dress just really has me going

I look back on my goons and nod let her in

"WELL WELL WELL! Gabbey look who has been beaten, bruised and about to be cut!"

I go through my draw and pull out my pocket knife

She tries to move but stares at me dead in the eye with bruises on her face and a cut near her eye kinda hot though, she mad and showing no emotions ahhh just like the old days

I lift her head up to look at me, I stare in her blue eyes and slap so hard there was definitely a red mark

She spat at me and looks up at me with an evil smile

"You forgot Colby! You beaten me! Electrified me! You tortured me to death but I am still alive!" Gabbey said with confidence

I roll my eyes and bend down to her level

"I may have trained you to be a machine but you are still human remember!!" I said grabbing her arm and stabbing her arm

She screams in pain, she falls to the ground and holds her wounds

I wipe the knife with my finger and lick the blood

"Mmm sweet sweet revenge!"

I cut her a couple more times before throwing her out on the streets and letting her bleed out

"You know Gabbey you could of been a great use for me! I mean you killed like 10 of my man! And I did make a weapon! I really hope to see you again!"

I walk away with a smirk, gosh I love my life

(Gabbey's p.o.v)
I can barely feel myself so I get up slowly and walk as far I can, my legs are wobbling, my head is spinning

As I was about to making it to town, I drop on my knees

"Woah! Woah Woah! Hang in there!"

That voice again, it was like an angel

"You!" Was the only thing before I said before I blacked out

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