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(Y/n p.o.v)
"WELL ! WELL ! WELL! WHAT DO WE HAVE HERE?" A voice said behind me, goosebumps ran up my spine and automatically knowing who the voice belongs to

"Gabbey! Seems like our deal is off and YOU!!!! You just can't seem to stay away......can you?!" He said pointing his finger at me, my eyes dart his finger and then back to his face

Gabbey looks at me and then back at the Joker then back at me, she stands in between me and him

"NO!! Our deal is still on! And Y/n is staying out of it! This is between you and me!" Gabbey demands and looking straight into his eye, he looks at her then at me, keeping his stare on me

"Gabbey! You know I am greedy! I want everything!...........GOONS CLEAN UP!!!!!!!" With the snap of his fingers the goons killed people left and right!, money bags getting filled up and guns firing with bullet holes everywhere

The Joker circling around Me and Gabbey watching our everything move, we look at each other not knowing what to do and then back at him, with a grin of his face and his eyes blood shot. He snaps in place and we kinda jumped a little

"LET'S GO!!!" He yells and the goons pick up the bags and take whatever they can get and the Joker grabs me and Gabbey by our arms and drag us to the van

I look at Gabbey with a worried look and she nods her head telling me everything is gonna be okay, before I knew it we were thrown into the vans with the goons

The whole whole ride was quiet and kinda intimidating with them stare burning through our skin, as soon as the car stopped the goons got out and taking what they took from the bank and dragged us along with them

"Put then in the cell NOW!!!"

"What no! I wanna talk about what just——"

"Ah ah ah ah! Gabbey you know the rules! No talking back unless you have been asked to talk!"

"But Y/n doesn't deserve to get involved with this!!! She is innocent!!" Gabbey said wiggling out of the grip of the goons

He looks at me and walks over to me picking up a stain of hair and dropping it straight away awhile circling around me


"What? No! Y/n do not agree to anything!!!"

"Gabbey!" I said trying to make her stay with me

He rolls his eyes and grabs me by my arm drags me to his office or room whatever you want to call it, slamming the door open aggressively and throwing me onto the ground near his table

He walks near his table, standing in front of me, looking down at me with a blank expression

"So what is your deal? Y/n!"

I swallow hard and look straight into his ocean eyes

"There is no deal! And I came back to save Gabbey from going to jail! She is my bestfriend!" Not breaking any eye contact

He doesn't say a word, just stares at me with a blank expression

"So you would risk your life for Gabbey?"

I was sweating at this point and my heart was racing so fast you can hear it

"Yes! No words about it!"

His expression went to blank to a smirk, he moves by bending down to my level and put both of his hands of each side of my face with an evil laugh

"Wanna make a deal with the devil?"

All I did was look at him not saying one word

"Look! If you help me with one or two jobs.......I will let you go!"

"I don't know!" I said shaking his hands off my face

"All I need you for is to do a couple of jobs and you and Gabbey can leave forever!"

I think about it for a couple of minutes or so and look at him smirking his evil smirk not knowing what I am getting myself into

"FINE! But you let Gabbey go now! And I will help you with a couple of jobs!"

He sticks out his hand and looks at me

"Deal! But you can't leave it's only Gabbey that can leave! GOT IT!!" He said making me jump a little which made him laugh a bit

I nod my head and shake on it only to look into the his eyes and him looking into mine, wondering if he was always this demanding, selfish and heartless

"But your not putting me into that cell again or any type of cage because I am not a animal!!"

He nods and opens the door telling me to follow him

I walk down the hall way to Gabbey's cell, he turns around and gives me the key

I look at him and nod my head

"Y/n oh my god!!.....your okay! We are going home now!" She tried taking my hand but I stood my ground and didn't move

"Y/n we have to go——"

"Gabbey! Your little friend has a job here and you get to go home free from me and my life style!" The Joker said standing in front of me

"Colby! I swear if you hurt her! I will come for you okay!"

Colby? But he is The Joker, the most wanted criminal in whole Gotham City, why would he be called Colby? It's a normal name for a person not a heartless creature like him

Gabbey looks at me with sadness in her eyes and a disappointed face

I watch her walk out with the goons right behind her, I single tear goes down my face and a rush of sadness comes over me

"Right! That's over! Come on I have to show my plans to get this over and done with!"

"Wait one minute!"

I run downstairs and go after Gabbey

"Y/n! Come back right now or our deal——"


Gabbey turns around and looks at me

I hug her and tell her I am sorry it was the only way to make sure your save

"But your not safe! I promise your mum Y/n! To make sure your safe!"

"Gabbey! All I need is to do one or two jobs and I am coming home I promise!"

Gabbey couldn't argue with me and I knew she wouldn't with me, she just hugs me one last time and tell me she will be waiting at home for me

I watch as she got into the car and drove away

I felt a cold hand on my shoulder

"Let's get this over with!

To be continued......

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