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(Joker p.o.v)
Looking out at Gotham city, watching the cars wizz pass, nothing but bad hopes and dreams down the drain, just the way I like it

"Sir! We got him!" One of my goons distract me from my thoughts

I spin my chair around, look the guy straight into the eyes, in his eyes I can see fear, smell it too! This guy was dripping with fear

"I am sorry, I-I-I will pay you back ! Just p-p-please don't kill me!"

He begged for his life, he plead for mercy

I run my hand through my hair and fell back into my chair with a smirk on my face

"HAHAHAHAHAH! What a night right? First you didn't get my money and second you let Batman take you hostage!"

I get up from my chair and stand in front of my desk and look down at the guy on his knees

"I swear! H-H-He was——"

"Blah blah blah blah!" I take the gun from my jeans and point it at his head

He closes his eyes and prays for his life again

"You know what! Let's play a game!" I said taking the gun away a swinging it around like a mad man I am

"If you can take these bags of Coke to the person I sent this to could you be able to do it?"

He nods his head repeatedly and sweat was dripping off him at this point

He smiles and let him lose

"You won't be let down I p-promise!" He smiles thinking he made it through

As he was about to reach for the door




His brain exploded everywhere! The girls in the room screamed and my goons cleaned up

"Boss! They are ready for you at the club!"

I nod my head and walk back over to the window to look out again


(Y/n p.o.v)
"Look I am on my way Gabby I promise you! Just need to get these boxes on the truck and I am off!"

"You better be!"

"Alright! See you soon!"

*end of call*

Everything was getting moved from my apartment to my bestfriends apartment. Gabby!, Gabby has been my bestfriend for so many years and still going strong and I finally got an apartment together, so excited!

"Ma'am would you like this in the truck?" The man said holding up a box

I nod my head nicely at him, he winks and walks out

I turn my back and shake my head and mentally hint myself! He was flirting with me and I don't know how to flirt

"Alright! Done! Ready to go!"

Talking to myself, getting my keys and saying goodbye to my apartment one last time and closing the door for good

Let me tell you a little bit about myself, I am Y/n Y/L! I like in Los Angles, I am 19 years old and have a job working as a business worker, got good grades in middle school, high school and College, never had sex, never did weed, never even thought about losing my virginity, never my parents stopping me or anything it's just that I was so caught up in high school about getting good grades that all my friends were losing their virginity and I am over here studying, can say I was a

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