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(Gabbey's p.o.v)
Y/n was sound a sleep and not one single peep came out of her mouth, this was my chance to get Y/n out of this mess and do the right thing

"Sssssttttt! Ssssttt! Hey! Can I please talk to Joker! It's about tomorrow!" I whisper to one of the goons

The dude looks at me and goes to the Jokers room, my arms dangling outside the door, my head just thinking what to do with this whole situation

(Jokers aka Colby Brock's pov)

Looking at the map and sorting out where is the most popular and known bank in Gotham City, with all these options I just can't choose

"Boss! Gabbey wants to talk to you!" One of my goons interrupting my throughts

"Yeah right! Send her in!" Not looking at him once, probably because I am heartless I never once felt loved, happiness or any of that bullshit

He nods his head and walks away, my body is cool as ice and I have no feelings what so ever

"You have to let Y/n go! And if you let her go! You can have me back in return!" Gabbey looked down as she said the seven words, as much as I love fooling around with her, I want her to help with missions and Batman problems

"Alright! I will let her go! But you have to come back here and live with me as planned and you will help me get Batman!" I demanded her to obey my rules and live by them

She looks up at me confused

"How are we gonna do that?"

I smirk my devilish face off, my body was shaking to show her the plans from how much excitement

1. We get you looking dolled up and innocent, so like a princess that needs saving

2. Batman loves to talk to woman! So you will flirt with Batman

3.You will keep seeing him for a month or a week I don't really care! As soon as he thinks he knows you he will reveal his self and then BOOM we attack him and kill him!


"And you think that plans gonna work?" She crosses her arms and looks at me with disgust

"What? You think you have a better idea little miss know it all!" I said walking around her with my gun in my hand

"Batman is not gonna reveal himself to me! He ain't dumb and he definitely not blind to see that be a set up. Bruce Wayne is having a dinner party on Friday night! I will go check it out while you and your goons keep us on lock down then fingers cross someone do the bat sign and he will come and yeah we will keep plan number 2 and 3!"

She had a good point and she is also keep plan 2 and 3 so I guess we———————

"NO! My plan is better and plus I need to go to the bank and get my money out!" I turn on my heals and look out at the city once again

I felt two pair of soft hands touch my shoulders, a hot breath on my neck

"And if I do your plan will you let Y/n go!" Gabbey whispers in my ear, dragging him hand across my body

"If that's you want!" I said not trying to pay attention to my hard on or Gabbey

"IDIOTS! Realest Y/n! BUT TAKE HER HOME!" I yell out awhile Gabbey was dragging her soft, hot tongue against my pale skin

I look down at her and she has a smirk on her face

" I know you want to!" She said walking away to my room that was right beside my office, laying on my bed, I give in to easy to fucking someone but Gabbey begs for it and also what I love about this job, people beg for their pathetic life and doesn't that turn me on!

(Y/n p.o.v)

Next Morning

I woke up to the sunshine in my eyes, birds chirping and the trees hitting against my window.........wait! My window! my room!.............Gabbey! Oh my god! She is stuck there! I have to help her!

I quickly put on some jeans and a shirt, put my Vans on and walk out the door. I don't know where I am going but I think someone will know

"Umm excuse me!........Yes! Do you know where Joker would live?" I said to a complete stranger

"Why would you wanna know?" The guys said back

"Because my friend is in trouble and I need to get to her fast! Please help!"

"You do know it's dangerous and it is heavy guarded right! Like literally no one can get in there!" He said looking  at me confused on why would I wanna go there

"Please she is in trouble!!!"

"Okay fine! I will come with you, I am Jake by the way!"

"Nice to meet you Jake! I am Y/n!" I said sticking out my hand so he can shake it, he politely shook my hand and he showed me the way

It was like a 15 minute to 20 walk and it was hot outside as well

"Okay here we are! You can go if you want!" I said looking around

"What? No! I am coming with you! Girl like you shouldn't be in a bad area like this!" He said looking around

I smile at him and he follows right behind me, I make it to the door step and ring the sad, depression door bell

"What do you want! GO AWAY!" Some voice said through the peep hole

"I need to talk to Joker!"

"He is not here right now! NOW GO AWAY!"

I roll my eyes and look around to see vans around me, I think about yesterday how he was going to the bank

I smile goes on my face, I pull Jake along

"Alright! We will go now!" I yell out and walk away awhile dragging along Jake, I pull him to the van

"Get in!" I whisper and get in the driver sit

I look for the keys and find it in the glove box and start the van and drive off

(Gabbey p.o.v)
I walk into the bank and with my slim thick dress, showing off my curves and cleavage

"Ma'am! Can I help you!" A young boy can basically drooling over me

"Yes! I wanna put money in the bank!" I said fixing up my dress and him watching every move I make

"Right this way Ma'am!" He said helping me

I smile and he sits down in his sit right infront of me

He takes my money and put it's in my bank, the plan was on it's way until

"Gabbey! Oh my god! There you ar—— what are you wearing?" Y/n said being me out of character

"GABBEY! We have to go!"

"I can't! I need to put "money in the bank duh!" I said trying not to draw attention to myself

"Gabbey! Let's go!"



To Be continue..............

Jokerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें