TKOM| Blake's Aftermath

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"You're not giving me a proper reason as to why you don't want to get married... I'm so confused..."

"I can't do this. I can't talk about this now. I need to leave. I-I can't stay here." Madeline stood up suddenly, looking around for her shoes. "I need to get out of here."

"What? Wait-"

She slipped on a pair of hotel slippers. "I'm sorry, I-"


"We can meet tomorrow and talk but-"


Madeline froze at his sudden outburst. At least she finally stopped talking.

"Damn it, Madeline! What are you doing?! This is so humiliating. Do you not think I deserve an answer? And I don't know what I did wrong. I woke up today smiling because I was going to marry the girl I love. And now you're saying you can't go through with this? You gave me no hints or implications that you didn't want to get married. I thought this was what you wanted!"

  Madeline's face fell and for a second Blake actually felt bad for his lashing out like that. He wanted to apologise. Then he remembered that Madeline was leaving him on their wedding day.

  "I thought so too... But I realised that planning this wedding has just been a way of me trying to distract myself from my problems."

  "What problems?"

  Madeline sighed and her fingers tightened around her bag. "I just need some time. I'm sorry."

  Before Blake could slip in another word, his bride ran away. He felt nauseous. The thought of having to go out there and tell all the guests that the wedding was off made him dizzy. It was going to be the most humiliating moment of his life. A small part of him hated Madeline for abandoning him and escaping unscathed.

  But the sad thing was that much bigger part of him loved her. And he probably wouldn't love anyone like he loved her ever again.


  They broke up the next day. It wasn't really a surprise to either of them. Madeline texted him and asked to meet him at her childhood home. Smart. If she had come over to his house (which was going to be their house), she would have had to face the wrath of his abuela and his abuela was not a force to be reckoned with. She may have been eighty-four but one glare of disapproval from her could cripple a man from miles away.

  Madeline talked. A lot. And she cried a lot. Blake was mostly still in shock. He remained quiet. Selective hearing really played its part because all he could make out was 'I don't think we should stay together" and "I don't love you the way I should love you." The latter stung the most. It was all coming out of no where. He was really blindsided.

  When she stopped talking, she reached out to hold his hand but he quickly sprung it away. Without speaking, he got up and made a beeline towards the door. She called after him but he left before she could catch up to him, slamming the door shut.

  He wasn't being unreasonable. He had just joined the legions of men who had had their hearts broken by Madeline Lockhart and he finally understood how it felt. To be loved by Madeline Lockhart was magical. She had this ability to be his sun. Everything revolved around her but in turn she radiated light and love and made him happy.

  He was never going to get over her. There would never be anyone like her.


Three Months Later

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