OG| No Angel

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timeline; the day before the trinity gal + the trinity gala (i.e the infamous video leak) - chapters 15/16

POV- Angel

It's been a while since I updated this book. Enjoy!

  "Where is she?" Angel drawled, picking at her newly done nails

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"Where is she?" Angel drawled, picking at her newly done nails. She had gotten a fresh set in preparation for the legendary Trinity Gala that was set to take place the following day. She was meant to be getting a facial too but she had to cancel her appointment in order to help Madeline Lockhart and her preparations.

"I don't know, Angel. Just like I didn't know when you asked me two minutes ago."

"Ugh, whatever Aisha. I don't understand why she treats us like we work for her. My family's net worth is probably more than hers."

Aisha continued to tap away at her phone. "Why don't you plan a rebellion then?" She said sarcastically.

Angel huffed and crossed her arms. It wasn't fair. Madeline had told them to assemble at hers at ten am exactly but it was nearly eleven.

  A rebellion. The thought was a mere dream. She would have loved to have power over Madeline but unfortunately that wasn't how their high school hierarchy worked. Angel knew she was at the middle rungs of the pyramid. That meant in order to stop herself from becoming unpopular she would have to be at Madeline's beck and call for the rest of their time in high school. That was the way it always was. It benefited her sometimes. She got invited to all the cool parties and trips. She got followed back by Madeline on social media. She even got selfies with Madeline and Nora to post which totally boosted her following. But still. She wished she didn't have to be pushed around by Madeline.

"Aisha, Angel stand up."

   Angel turned around swiftly to find Madeline scowling at them.

"Okay, I have lunch with Priya at twelve. At two o'clock on the dot I want you two to be standing in front of the front door with two separate arrangements of pink hydrangeas and white roses."

"Like, together?" Angel asked, confused by the request.

"Angel, sometimes I really wonder how you've made it so far with your packing-peanut-sized brain. I just said separate."

  Angel's mouth cocked open. How rude!

  "And I want one of you to book me a facial at Iridescence."

Angel smirked and gave Aisha a knowing look. It didn't matter who she was. There was no way she could get a booking at Iridescence with a few hours notice.

  "Madeline, Iridescence has a twelve week waiting list," Aisha explained.

"You have two hours." Madeline swiftly stood up and grabbed her bag, smiling wickedly at them. "Anything else you'd like to say before I go to lunch?"

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